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About MegabusTA

  • Birthday 07/13/1969

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  1. Aye cheers mate , time a seen it , was only single tickets left 😱
  2. Thanks for that mate 👍🏻
  3. What’s the chances of getting a couple o tickets from Spanish FA when come available ? my points are low just now and cannae see me getting any from SFA .
  4. I live in Crail fife …. Drove car to Dundee , parked up . Bus fae Dundee to Glasgow got there plenty time . Hampden express fae city centre and back then 23:10 train back to Dundee fae queen st 🤔 where there’s a will there’s a way 🤷🏼‍♂️
  5. Alright troops , if anyone can’t make Georgia game for any reason 🤔 would ya give me a shout please ?🙏🏻 looking for 2 tickets adult & child seated together . Cheers 👍🏻
  6. Just in case anyone struggling to get back to paris from metz on sun . Iv got a spare megabus ticket leaving metz at 9:40 am . My mate is now gonna stay the extra night in metz . Free of charge of course if anyone interested , pm me .
  7. theres still tickets available on the 21:40 from paris ...... 41 Euros !
  8. Id be interested in this mate , only need one seat !

  9. Do you want to share a transfer into the train station, then leave our gear there. Be about £8 each.

    1. MegabusTA


      Meeting mate at Paris Est station pal , he flying into CDG . Was just thinking o getting bus or metro into paris 


  10. Yea , me & the mate on this train bud . Fly into Orly at 16:45
  11. £16 ticket purchased for this 6 pointer
  12. On that flight mate . Getting train to Metz ..... Then megabus back to Paris on Sun !
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