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Big Dod

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Everything posted by Big Dod

  1. The independence card isn't going away. Westminster have seen real democracy for the first time and it terrifies them.
  2. I think the Rangers supporter vote was well and truly underestimated. Not a criticism just an observation.
  3. The 19th was as low as it can go. But I refuse to give up. Westminster have never been so scared as they were when they saw real democracy in action. Most no voters now want it all to go away but that's just not going to happen. We must be doing something right. Onward and upward.
  4. This is true If this comes off I'll be hugely impressed and proud. As a side point there is no point voting fot the greens in a UK election. If the SNP could have those votes, plus others, we could give them our (second) votes in the Holyrood election. I know it's not all about SNP but we're fighting a fucked up system. PS what is with the northern isles and these liberals? It's beyond pathetic
  5. Probably bigger. Fat cnut. We did go up to shoot some gophers on his ground after a night out. Not proud of it but it was 5am and I was pished and literally had a blast. We had about 20 guns between us and there was a big gopher city like you get at the arcade with the hammer. They just kept popping up and it was like hamburger hill. Any greenies can be assured that none of us could hit the hill far less a rat in a hole.
  6. I worked in Dick Cheneys home town in Wyoming. Went to some country and western stars hoose. Can't remember his name but a nice guy. No different from the UK. FOX was the truth. Shame really, nice people. Met a guy from Perth who was ex SAS and we went out shooting together. I had to get CIA accredited as the rig and field was owned by the US navy. Can't remember the point now but great days. Oh yeah, the point was they were doing fracking tests there. No biggie. Dick Cheneys ranch was about half the size of strathclyde.
  7. Aye it is. Hydrocarbons are the present though. It's not just petrol, it's everything you use. Unless they can synthicate it everyone's lifestyle is going to change in the next 100 years.
  8. No worries pal. I think we're on the same side. Just looking at things different.
  9. No offence mate but have you ever been on a frac job? Has anyone ever drilled under your house? Are they planning to? I can almost guarantee that the daily mail would be anti-fracking in the home counties but would expect all proud scots to bend over and take the pineapple. What is our argument to stop them?
  10. No problem. We can leave it in the ground. At least we could if WM wasn't trying to suck us dry to pay their debt/war/austerity fund. The oil & gas down there has been there for a few hundred million years I'm pretty sure it could wait another 20. Big comanies go where the oil/gas is.Norway has them by the nads, we should too. eexcept we can't now etc...,,
  11. Why are some people going all daily mail about something they know all about?
  12. I would have thought the Scottish parliament would have had jurisdiction over planning if not the licensing. A lot of equipment is required on one of these operations. However as someone who has worked in the business for over 25 years I have no objection to fracking as such. I've worked in fracking areas of Poland, Germany, Holland, Australia and the US. I have not seen anything to suggest fracking causes problems anywhere. I have worked on land rigs on almost every continent and it's really no big deal. I have drilled wells in Holland and France where they pump down water to dissolve salt domes creating huge underground caverns and nobody will ever know they're there. Basically what I'm trying to say is that there is less to worry about than a lot of people think. Obviously things have to be planned properly and a lot depends on how deep the shale or coal layer is below the surface, but done properly 99% of people would never know there was anything going on. If any problems arrive the operating company is held 100% responsible for any remedial action required. There should also be side benefits such as jobs and money spent in areas where drilling gets the go ahead. Hidden benefits could include things such as using the hot produced water to heat local businesses. I did a job a few years ago in Holland where some farmers drilled for hot water to heat acres of greenhouses. While I can understand people being nervous I would take anything written in the papers with a pinch of salt regarding fracking. There is propaganda on both sides and I can just talk from my personal experience. PS Ian Wood is a twat. The "sir" is a bit of a giveaway.
  13. It's just such a stupid argument. If we're such a drain why the huge fight to keep us in the union? Because they like us son much? Give us home rule. Let us keep all income generated in Scotland, including the oil, there's not much left anyway apparently. Let us live within our means. If we're so heavily subsidised then surely that'll be a weight off Englands shoulders? If they really believe this baloney then nobody can justifiably argue this point. Although we all know it's not true...... It's just sickening to see Holyrood MSP's line up the same arguments even though they know it's not true either.
  14. That would be about 1/83 now then. Can U-16's join a political party? I've genuinely got no idea?
  15. I would've been tempted with a Yes. Do my bit etc. Can't see me moving back for a while now although I may move back to Europe at some point just to be closer to family. I'm in the oil/gas game. We had 3 Scots on this rig in the last month, all Yes, but none with a vote. We're not all selfish twats. None of the Aussies here can believe we didn't go for it. A lot of them did assume that a No was the default position though due to the media here reporting it that way. Some people were genuinely surprised that I was in favour of a Yes when I talked to them about it. Not that they didn't think it was a good idea, but just because of how it was being spun. I've persuaded a few to take a more critical line on how their media reports news, which is a good thing. Like myself before this referendum most people just tend to suck it up. The Aussie PM has also made sure I'll never vote for him or his party. He should definitely be on the c*nt list. What are the criteria for being able to vote in WM and Holyrood elections back home? I just moved here last year, do I still qualify?
  16. Isn't real democracy great? And unpredictable? I'd forgotten what it looked like.
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