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Everything posted by girvanTA

  1. Iv drew you a picture of a dog in case you felt sad inside
  2. Turkey:- 97% of Turkey is in Asia, the eu does not need to share its borders with Syria, Iran and Iraq. Agreeing to one non European country would and could open the door to countries from Cape Verde to Kazakhstan. Macedonia and their dispute with Greece could and probably would see Greece blocking Macedonian membership from the EU and Nato, again creating hostile relations between the two. Serbia has far longer-standing, and more permanently damaging problems, that are slowing and halting its progress in many directions, firmly rooted over decades in social structure But hey stranger things have happened, I mean Saudi Arabia was given a key role of human rights by the UN!
  3. that was taken from a Scotland supports leave poster
  4. Lets inagine that the question was the other way about. Should we join the eu - with the euro crisis, migration crisis and countries like Albania, Macedonia,Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey being lined up as new member states. Would you vote to join the eu?
  5. WOW What the feck are you on about? Those sweeping examples that I have given are taken directly from benefits of blood testing from the NHS under blood testing! You really are a mug!
  6. Yes you are absolutely correct regarding ebola in the uk, however that is only one part of why we should use blood testing what about: assess your general state of health check if you have an infection see how well certain organs, such as the liver and kidneys, are working screen for certain genetic conditions
  7. You do know zoonoses can be transfered from animals to humans and humans can easily transfer and carry the ebola virus and other diseases.
  8. What race did he offend with the poster? The poster itself is a refection on what is happening in the world today. Its not racist, perhaps tasteless to the bleeding heart liberals but racist no. Blood testing foreigners:- To limit the transfer of zoonoses, pathogens blood borne disease is a bad thing?
  9. Can you actually give us a shred of evidence to support the claim?
  10. Pretty sure that if your father in law worked, he would have most likely paid into his own pension
  11. Also the Daily Record and the i reporting he was a loner who loved gardening. The only affiliation that has been reported by msm about his connection to extreme right wing organisations is infact in south africa, maybe if they dig more on this guy they will find more but there has been a few witnesses that have retracted their statement on the "Britain first" comment Strange but true
  12. Should never of happened to anyone. Various media outlets saying he shouted "Britain first" others reporting "Put Britain first" and an eye witness saying he never heard the gunman shout anything. All very conflicting Many reporting that the gunman was mentally unstable.
  13. Bob geldof is a twat, basically sticking 2 fingers up to our fishing industry. Anyone seen Andrew Neil v Mathew Hancock? Massive car crash for the IN campaign
  14. Anyone else see Bob Geldof gatecrashing the brexit campaign?
  15. you are becoming boring now, me and you have very different opinions and personal views, I can accept that but you cant. Many muslim's interpret Islam as peace and many muslim's interpret Islam as submission. Thats not being and a bigot, racist or an islamophobe, it is though factually correct. If maybe you went to you're local mosque you would have known that. If you want to ban me then I will totally accept that, but I would like to know your reasons and evidence.
  16. feck off you weirdo, can you show me where on the previous posts that I have slammed all muslims? I have said that the vast majority of muslims are peaceful however this idiot in florida had links to terrorist organisations, as reported by the american media and fbi. You probably wear toe-rings with sandals and campaign for "free the weed", whilst calling everyone Hitler that doesn't share you're views. you don't represent all liberals but you do give them a bad name, your just a twat
  17. not to mention that the sky will fall, tsunami's will strike the coast of Britain and the sun will explode if we leave. The remain campaign has ran out of pace, for me its played its last ace in the pack (scaremongering the elderly over pensions)
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