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Everything posted by antidote

  1. Well I was thinking that too, but I don't think they'd count members before they're actually members. "Awaiting approval is finally less than those approved..." You would imagine that the running totals we're getting since the 18th of September were the ones they were approving. I know there's been a push on the streets to sign up people by paper application it takes time to process applications, so I'm hoping that I'm right in my 'good' assumption. We'll just have to wait and see over the next few days for that proof.
  2. There's 26,946 applications to join the SNP still to be processed, which would take their total members to over 100,000. Tweet from Peter today. "Peter Murrell Much celebration here @theSNP headquarters as applications awaiting approval is finally less than those we've approved. 26,946 left to do! 4 hours 8 min ago"
  3. I personally pay £13 a month, the wife, when she joins, will be paying £5 per month and a guy I work with chips in £30 a month, so you're correct in your assumption.
  4. My feelings exactly. I cancelled mine just before the referendum, but if they continue I'll start it back up again, so they can build up a war chest that would be enough to fight a campaign once more.
  5. Self explanatory. Share with your Facebook friends.
  6. The wife will be signing up when I get back from offshore in 12 days time.
  7. Nicola Sturgeons words make it more imperative that the YES group continues so they can build up a financial war chest in the event of another referendum.
  8. It would be interesting to know if any no or don't knows have signed up.
  9. Salmond never lied, he said 'in my view...' This is not Alex Salmond now, it's Nicola Sturgeon and her view is different. Did the UK government wait an hour or two to renege on their vow?
  10. Good leaflet to hand round the doors of her constituents jus before the GE.
  11. If we're all entitled to our opinion then my opinion is to shun no voters where ever I can. Hope you respect that opinion.
  12. Good forbid that they don't get Independence before us or we will be over run by bigoted Billy boys.
  13. What are you talking about? The Labour party has over 70,000,000 members in the UK. It must be true SLAB and the daily retard said so.
  14. The difference is that YES is all inclusive and 45 is only for the people who voted YES the first time. We want more than 45. I respect you and always will for voting YES, but I want some of the 55 to vote YES also. I'm not being angry at people who want to highlight this, but I can see the pitfalls in the future, a future that I hope will be coming very soon. Let's stick with YES.
  15. Parklife, on 22 Sept 2014 - 2:29 PM, said: Now that I totally agree on. I do believe their TV is home grown though.
  16. Sorry, although I respect you and your views I honestly don't think you know what you are talking about here. The UK government changed the game plan when they brought in the 'more powers' at the very last minute. You simply can't remove FFA from the option right at the start and then some how come up with a so called devo max option right before the vote and after the postal votes have been cast. So tell me, what is to be respected? Are you saying that we have got to mutually respected in the sense that they don't respect f*ck all, but we've got to respect everything they do?
  17. Wear them and don't be surprised if the next referendum vote is only 45%. It would make a difference if it had along the lines of 45 & rising or something.
  18. YES is still there and should be used as a sword of Damocles hanging over the Westminster government to make sure they go through with their vow and maybe to start up the campaign again if they renege on the deal. The YES campaign has still got all the affiliated groups and volunteers intact and the hunger is still there, so to disband this group until Independence is won would be complete folly. YES can only grow and can become a rallying group for the future.
  19. What was the percentage of the registered vote for the shameful no vote? You sound worried? AS is only playing by the rules that the unionists have played for decades.
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