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Ally Bongo

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Everything posted by Ally Bongo

  1. Rejoining the EU is going to be a very tetchy argument particularly with the economies of Greece, Italy, Spain and France just about bust A bit of non propaganda from Max
  2. There is absolutely no chance of a second referendum It seems those on the remain side are going through the stages of grief - a second referendum being denial There is a possibility that Parliament may overrule the referendum result but if they do they would have to hold another general election where parties can stand on implementing the referendum result or not Anything else could cause massive public unrest
  3. This is what i imagine Sturgeon will be talking to EU nobs about rather than Scotland (and NI) continuing EU membership whilst England and Wales leaves Id guess she will ask for them to make some positive public clarification if a 2nd indyref takes place rather than the obtuse cack that happened the last time
  4. I think you can make a good assumption that there are more people who will now vote Yes that previously voted No than there are who will vote No that previously voted Yes. Have seen some surprising evidence of that personally and heard from friends that have similar stories
  5. Scotland part of the UK per EU Scotland voted to be part of the UK The UK voted to leave the EU Scotland leaves the EU
  6. The RUK's economy might be a bit different very soon
  7. We live in interesting times First it was almost J K Rowling declaring support for Indy And now !
  8. If there is an upside apart from increasing the chances of Scottish Independence then i guess it will be not having to worry about TTIP anymore ? Leave won because out with London, the English and Welsh blamed damaging austerity, unemployment and unrestricted immigration on the EU when it really is mainly Westminster's fault. Scotland (and Northern Ireland) has not experienced anything like the social impact mass immigration has on certain areas of England and Wales There are plenty areas where there are "no white people" left or "white no go zones" meaning it is far easier to appeal to the prejudices people have.
  9. Cameron is a gambler He gambled by leaving devo max out of the Scottish Referendum options and just won leaving the UK constitution still up in the air He gambled on the Euro referendum and has lost his job and probably the UK constitution A total fud Remember how the Tories absolutely humiliated Miliband when he said he did not want a referendum for the exact reasons of yesterday Mugs
  10. The obvious alternative as alluded to by Thplinth is that the EU screw the UK over to make sure we do what they want
  11. Even J K Rowling is swithering Without the online abuse she would probably be totally for it now J.K. Rowling ‏@jk_rowling 13h13 hours ago @BBCJamesCook "Staunch opponent" implies I was pro-union no matter what, which was never the case. Many no voters will think again now.
  12. I cant be right all the time but I'm still confident he will be nowhere near it ...............
  13. The scenarios of England dragging Scotland out the EU or Scotland & NI keeping the UK in look really possible now. The bigger vote leave than expected in Scotland however will make a second indyref anytime soon unlikely
  14. The pound not doing as well after the Newcastle result
  15. Yes - it was 10% less than 30 minutes ago I dare say the Newcastle result will change that A bad result for remain Now 1/3 At this rate you will get even money on remain within the hour
  16. Nick Eardley ‏@nickeardleybbc 4m4 minutes ago Vote Leave source says samples so far in Glasgow and Falkirk better than expected for them #EUref
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