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Everything posted by kumnio

  1. Im mates with a Pole, when he goes home he always takes crisp £20 notes, gets a much better rate from there than taking money from ATM, exchanging here etc
  2. Things like this give me a wee smile. One of my employees did the same thing on Tuesday, there is hope in this campaign.
  3. Human or science experiment gone wrong? Seems mad as fck.
  4. Cant believe BT let Galloway go on. Harvie for Prime Minister of Scotland.
  5. Yes kids are so much better than No kids. Galloway is really getting on my tits #twatinahat
  6. Ruth Davidson is a despicable wee cow. Sending her and a mad fvcker to a debate with kids, I cant believe the BT together are that daft.
  7. Yes he should, Galloway should be called for what he is. A self publicising wankstain who thinks shagging a lassie while she is asleep is far game, he went on TV for a big fee and dressed in a fcking cat suit and lapped up milk. How the fck can anyone take him seriously. He should fckoff and find Saddams corpse and get busy, fcking retard that he is.
  8. Galloway looks like something shat out of a homeless persons arse, I hope he has the decency to GTF after next Friday.
  9. Independence day is in March 2016. As accurate as always
  10. Nick Robinson heckling at a press conference, pathetic as fck. Only a complete wankstain would disagree.
  11. This is torture, anyone else just want to wake up next Thursday and vote, then get it over with. I find myself despising the media more and more, the contempt is getting beyond anything I've ever seen. Confident one minute, then down the next. It's bloody awful. These people can't be allowed to win FFS.
  12. Correct. So how the hell will they get to Edinburgh/Glasgow to try and gain entry to fUK. Its just utter tripe from yet another Westminster whank.
  13. Why dont these people just go to Dublin, Shannon etc They could then just get a ferry to Great Britain without being asked for ID. Miliband is a cnt, he should be ashamed of himself, his parents are immigrants to this country, so using them to scare people in voting No is an absolute disgrace.
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