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Everything posted by Redz

  1. Rubbish I quoted and commented on a post from a condescending Tim 👍
  2. Fairly typical comment that has most hoping the diddy Scottish league champions, and their ibrox pals, get an absolute skelping in whatever game they turn up for
  3. Only in Scotland do you, if you're Tim's or Huns, get away with that level of cheating
  4. Any links so we can (hopefully) watch these odious kents get pumped ?
  5. Indeed He really should just stick to the political stuff
  6. Nope For the Tim's and Huns dig = Fairer revenue split / change in voting system Always get what you've always got point = The above + Summer Fitba / TV exposure / Increased revenues 'We' do not try hard enough in general, and yes there are deliberate blockers in the way, however this happens all the time and 'we' sit back and do fuck all about it
  7. As long as Celtic and Rangers are okay, fuck the rest. If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got. It's that simple
  8. No, not at all As above Personally I really wanted him to succeed and was probably one of the last to call it a day Decent player back in the day however, there are only a handful of Dons who would be considered a 'Great,' and SG is nowhere near them
  9. Even allowing for your tongue in cheek remark, its a fair point that needs changing 👍
  10. Be careful what you wish for VAR 'should' redistribute the many that aren't that you do get
  11. I suspect a lot (most?) of football people in general will see it exactly the way you put it Personally, our chairman's credibility has taken a kicking, which this appointment highlights He's here now though and he'll get the support - There will be no lack of effort there I very much doubt there was any real desire to get Knutsen, and DC would have shat his pants if he'd been given any encouragement anyway
  12. Fair enough, in that case they deserved everything coming their way if so Scumbags who, in no way, represent Aberdeen as far as I'm concerned I got the 'devilment' hence the tone of my initial reply regarding the details Not seen anything at all in terms of the RC incident(s) you refer to so can't comment *That's not denial and me saying it didn't happen, just that I hadn't heard about it - I can do without your Canadian pal filling his pants again.....😉
  13. It wasn't meant to - You said pre-match - If outside it's possible as I wasn't everywhere around FP at the same time Not inside for me though - I was in the ground early, front tier, middle section, 10/12 rows from the front - Heard nothing of the sort Where did your reliable source hear it? I guess its all about how the rest of the support deal with it - Older Aberdeen fans in general self police appropriately
  14. Morning Ramy Listen, I really don't know why I am attempting to justify my comments further with you, however all I've said is I was in an around FP for the guts of 4 hours in total on Saturday and did not hear or see any of what's been mentioned That's not denial, it's simply a fact on my part - That's all On your second point, I think you'll find that the fans of teams out with Rangers & Celtic will (mostly) openly condemn their own unsavoury behaviour without thought Whataboutery and denial is 'reserved' specifically to Huns & Tims in the main (*But not all)
  15. Not once did I hear that I would be one of the first to admit it if I did You need to have a word with your reliability guy Didn't see or hear any need Was in and around the ground from 1.15pm ish....
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