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Everything posted by derekfaejapan

  1. The 'German' you pretended to be had the same grammatical spelling errors as PGB and Strachan7 had...
  2. Bullshit...Prove it, Ryan. The thing you seem to forget is that I'm friends with several people on here and not one of them will back you up. I don't care if you have a dig at me for anything...But don't tell wee wean lies.
  3. You're talking out of your arse...Wasn't it you who sent me messages when you knew I was in Japan saying 'I'll leather you and post the pics on the TAMB!'? As I've said before to you and your sheepshagging mate...Any issues with me, send me a PM...No cunt is interested in this. How's your German language these days?...Sad wanker!
  4. Fair enough...I rarely log in here and I think you know that. You quoted me so that's why I replied, Parklife. I don't live in any fantasy world. No bullshit from me...You accused me of arranging a fight and failing to turn up. Can you back that up?......I know it wasn't you, you're taking your mates bullshit and making me out to be a shitebag on this board...I'm not having that.
  5. What lies? You live in Falkirk and you support Aberdeen! Trust me...I really have no interest in what you have!
  6. Parklife and his 'Several identity' Tim pal always follow me about this board...I've always said to both to PM me, but they insist on following me on here...I know it's boring as fuck. I have tried though.
  7. If you're 5'11 then you must've been stood on a step above me in that bar in Dublin, or stood on a wee hill in Trafalgar Square when I've seen you...Or maybe I'm 6'3!?...You were just a shy wee boy, with a massive mouth on here and quiet when you meet up with folk...As I've said before, you were decent when I met you. No chip on my shoulder, I don't need to get anything over on you. I'm living a great life, bilingual, cultured, well travelled etc...Enjoy your current life, Blair.
  8. Again, why always the assumption I've been pished when talking back to you?...You can claim that all you want, I don't care...But, when I call you 'A short arsed wee wanker', you can't deny that...You are, a short arsed wee wanker. Blair...Fuck off. Don't bother quoting me...If you want to get personal, that's cool. Do it via PM here or on FB...No cunt on this board is interested you or the bullshit you have with me.
  9. The problem with these SJW’s, extreme lefties and ‘look at me and how nice I am’ folk on social media is that. Thankfully this is isn’t a society issue here in Japan, not yet anyway.
  10. Tragic. Poor guy...We all have problems but just proves that fame and money isn’t a solution.
  11. He has previous, that’s for sure. Chasing cunts about the board to sling in a dig when he can FFS...As I’ve said before, he suffers from Napoleon Complex.
  12. Nah, not at all. An overnight bus journey with fuck all to do. Again, same old, same old patter with you.
  13. Been a while since you’ve quoted me on here. I hope you’re well, man! Well, how many genders are there? If someone is born with two heads then we can all see and accept they have two heads...If someone is born with a penis then they aren’t suddenly a woman just because they want to be.
  14. He's clearly a man with mental health issues, that's for sure...BTW, I feel sorry for him, I didn't post that for a laugh.
  15. Do you think a 52 year old married man who has fathered 7 children and has transitioned' into a 6 year old girl needs understanding/acceptance from people like you or I? I think he needs psychiatric help. I don't think people do it for a laugh either (in some cases).
  16. How can anyone struggle with their gender? You're either male or female...It's that simple.
  17. It's complex thanks to the loonies...For me it isn't. There are only two genders.
  18. It's basically child abuse...But, if you disagree with it then it's you who has the problem for not understanding. This is how some of these mental leftwing extremists think.
  19. No, I don't. This is the problem...People confuse transgender and homosexuality and somehow make them the same thing when it's completely different. It's now become that if you question trannies then you become a homophobe.
  20. I like how Steven Crowder explains the mental illness that these people have >>>
  21. What? What 'square go' did I arrange and fail to show up to? You're talking out of your arse, wee man.
  22. Aye ye did...When the swear filter was active I'd called you a khunt a few times, you PM'd me with 'That's three times this week you've called me that, if you do it again I'll report you to the Mods. I'm not saying you did report me, but you threatened me with it...Pathetic. Also, why would I report anyone for calling me a HUN? I am a fucking HUN!! 😂 I took a screen grab at the time and emailed it to a fellow TAMBer. It's in my sent mail.
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