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Everything posted by newtownards

  1. Aye...... but......, thats theft. Ye should have gave them back........ finger of shame is pointing at you ..... lol
  2. No...... first NI match was against Malta in 88 Seen GB in a testimonial..... Think he only played around 30 odd times for us.
  3. You must be younger than I thought..... Back in the day England, Scotland, Wales and NI competed in a British Championship. ...... not sure if this was a yearly competition or every two years..... but both England and Scotland decided to bin it ( from memory) We won the last one..... maybe in or around 1982. As for the England match..... 2005 I believe. Best night I've had at Windsor. .... not just the result, but I also had nipped into the bookies and took NI 1-0 with Healy scoring. ..... Nice wee lift of £500.
  4. Agree..... though she is a columnist. And does TV..... I have more issue with the American girl with the tats, Kavanagh and Perez Hilton? As in.... I know KH from the apprentice, but have no clue as to this three.
  5. lol...... Maybe he said.... the other half or something similar, And I just assumed it was his wife.
  6. Cheers..... appreciate it. We do have ballbags in our support. .... its unfortunate for us as they make us all look bad, hence some of the comments. But we have also come a long way in recent years try to stamp out sectarianism. You don't hear sectarian songs at Windsor these days, though I accept some would love a sash bash in the middle of a game. The 'No Surrender' during GSTQ doesn't help our cause though. We need a change.
  7. Did he not say he had a wife and wanted to see girls arse's?. ....... You surprise me, saying he had a boyfriend. I didn't know.
  8. He seemed to go out of his way to be offensive. ...... No idea why though, surely you wouldn't get on like that just to be voted out?
  9. From memory. .... i think he told Frank to turn his Negro music down.....
  10. Good point..... Seems very effective. Once these three are dealt with, send out another three and so on.....
  11. I'm moving on Iain..... no point in carrying this on.
  12. Your mindset is the reason...... Its closed too reason and accepts Sectarian sweeping generalisation as fact.
  13. People with your mindset is the reason sectarianism, racism and bigotry thrive..... Blindly spout and believe lies for no other reason than hatred. Your lies, hatred and bigotry show little difference than that of The NF/EDL and BNP..... Clueless
  14. Sectarian then. The venom and bile coming from both yourself in ET speaks volumes about you.
  15. No bother..... I have heard it called it before..... we are just part of the Province though. lol
  16. Most Muslim's would cringe at the atrocity's in the 'Name of Islam' IMO.I also think it would play into the NF/EDL/BNP hands if it was not reported, that Muslims are against it. Puts any lies or misinformation about Islam too bed. Its also worth pointing out, like it or not, there is a minority of extremist Muslims in the UK who would try to recruit young impressionable youths into Jihadism...... Muslim leaders condemning them has to be a good thing.
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