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Everything posted by Blackpool78

  1. 33 points clear 10 games to is the day Rangers can't win the league but you celebrate that point
  2. Single steps??? You are further behind Aberdeen after this weekends results, great steps
  3. 8 points behind Aberdeen, just let that sink in, never seen a point celebrated so much
  4. I just cant get my head round what you are wanting for it to be a level playing field
  5. Glad we have cleared that up but to make things fair we need to stop getting into the champions league and split the gate money......just to clear it up does that include season books or just paying for single tickets?
  6. Celtic have won the league and they dont get 30 million each season for winning it as they have to earn the right to get into the champions league group stages and the rewards that come with it
  7. When did Celtic ever get £30 million for finishing first place in scottish football??
  8. bitter bitter people in this post, as has been said GIRFUY
  9. might be a bit simple but i would never suggest my club trying to create a level playing field to try winning the league, would rather just accept they aint as good as other clubs
  10. Celtic gave £2 million to Dundee Utd a couple of season and did they spend that wisely?
  11. Do that now then why try to handicap the best team in scotland trying to this level playing field you crave, notice its only bitter fans of clubs who had glory in the 80s trying to get this playing field
  12. Didnt hear anything about Celtic's money when Aberdeen were giving Celtic a challenge last couple of season
  13. Totally agree with you but people's hate for Celtic's success is just coming across all wrong
  14. the point i was getting at was nobody helped Celtic in scottish football and now all of a sudden you want our money to make it a level field
  15. Cant wait for Celtic to sell their star player
  16. Which scottish club stepped forward in the 90s when Celtic were on their way out?
  17. £200k
  18. so now Celtic have to help the all of scottish football???
  19. as i have said diddums aimed at Celtic diddums to the rest of scottish football
  20. So this level playing field you talk of is only aimed at one club
  21. How much did each club get this season when Celtic made the group stage?
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