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Everything posted by hampden_loon2878

  1. Let’s be honest, a referendum is off the table for this parliament and the next, we are looking at the earliest 8years time in MHO. The vehicle for Independence has been taken over by a bunch of lunatics, we will need time to mend this then go from there
  2. I can place a bet of any amount that polling and performance of the SNP will go up if KF becomes leader of the SNP
  3. I hate the greens, I have prior to the bute house agreement, can anyone tell me the benefits they have brought to the SNP? Another one to add to the list of idiotically obvious vote losing policies from the snp,, you would half think it’s intentional
  4. Yes that’s the three, Forbes, McAllen and Flynn,, I had high hopes for macallan however she has been sidetracked by the the sturgo/green brigade but would I be right in saying she will be going on maternity leave shortly? Hope so
  5. I think some on here think I am being dramatic with my projection of a wipe out at the GE,, I am not and want what’s best for the party and independence, that would be KF I am certain of that, I think the snp will do well to get 10 seat as it stands
  6. Juryless trials the next shits storm,, if Carlsberg did “how to destroy a party,, “ sturgeons face would be on the can
  7. Alba at the moment are an irrelevance, the have no influence in nothing really, that’s why they need to focus on small steps, the Indy vehicle is away to be obliterated, I have no doubt they have a plan
  8. In the grand scheme of things, it’s a bit irrelevant to alba at the moment, alba need to concentrate on specific seats/areas to get a foothold before the start anything else
  9. Oh and forgot about the stitch up of their best politician and best FM we aver had
  10. There is a massive opportunity for the snp in two years time, all they need to do is listen to me 🤣 sack humza after the GE replace him with Forbes and regain the centre ground..
  11. But they have put them off the SNP, the vehicle for independence,, regarding getting WM to give a referendum, there could be various ways to do this, I don’t know why the government haven’t used the claim of right even if it’s just for a sound bite as not sure how legally binding it would be,, the current SNP are so timid when they tip toe around the subject. The SNP need to have the general public on board with their government before pushing for a referendum and they definitely don’t have that,, it’s a blessing WM haven’t “granted” one
  12. Via the process of not going after I universally unpopular policies, ie!! GRR, HMPA’s, bottle return scheme, hate crime, log burner bans, oil and gas stance,minimum alcohol pricing, higher taxes,, it boggles my brain as to why an “nationalist party” goes after policies like those.. it’s like, what police’s can I go after to put folk aff independence
  13. And that’s the extremely worrying part, we haven’t a party that is able to mobilise them yes voters,, I have said it time and again that all the Snp had to do post 2014 was run a sound, competent, non divisive government and we would gain independence,, they have done the complete opposite
  14. Polling shocking today for the SNP, even at holyrood,, if only folk were warned that installing a neep like humza would lead to this 🤔
  15. Strip everything back, all signs point to that,, regardless if it’s unthinkable, take the human emotion out of it and come to a conclusion and it won’t be far from my conclusion
  16. The Politicians who I believe that can be trusted are the Ewing’s, KF, Gillian Martin, Jim fairlie, Alex Neil, Christine Graham and cherry,, a few others I have missed,, listen to them and the party will find it’s way back
  17. Speculation by observation and what’s being spoken about by members who I know,, I would be gob smacked if those two did not see what is away to happen and start planning to stand,, KF will not be caught on the back foot this time
  18. Give them ammunition and they will use it,, we are the snp and need our guard up instead of introducing week idiotic policies
  19. seems to have been a theme since sturgeon took over,, destroy independence supporting industries.Oil&Gas , the fishing industry, the arts and buisness in general while bending over backwards to please the identity politics nut jobs whos numbers are probably less than 2000,, anyone if they could explain the logic behind this, please shed some light on this
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