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Posts posted by DaveyDenoon

  1. That's the figure according to Paul Flynn who is on the "public administration select committee, which oversees the civil service."



    Flynn is my local MP. As a concerned constituent worried about the standards displayed by MPs and Carmichael in particular I feel compelled to drop him a wee email to see if he intends to raise this issue further....

  2. So alistair Carmichael has admitted he was behind the leaked memo (ie blatant lies) which stated Nicola had said she'd rather Cameron as PM than Miliband.

    Had this been known to the good people of Orkney during the election campaign, would he have been re-elected? I doubt it.

    But he himself knew damn well and so his entire campaign and subsequent re-election was surely based on a falsehood.

    Surely he is not fit to hold office? Surely he should be forced to resign and a by-election held forthwith?

    Absolute cretin.

  3. Yppu said it yourself, if he is good enough, the majority would agree he isn't good enough to be demanding anywhere near that. If it was my son I would try and be realistic and keep him grounded so he didn't look like a person. He's 20 and so so in consistent, to demand a huge wage like he is makes him a bawbag. Sorry but that's how it is, over rated and unfortunately for him, he believes the hype. Needs put in his place.

    Spot on.

    He's nowhere as good as he thinks he is and as some people are (mistakenly) telling him he is.

    I'd far rather my son played for Liverpool at 20 on 100k a week where I knew he'd be looked after and his career development was in good hands than moving to a club like City or Chelsea for double that where he'd be thrown to the wolves the minute he showed a dip in form and nobody gave two shits about his long term career prospects.

    Once he's matured as a footballer and as a person and cemented his long term career prospects into something tangible then he'll be in a position to make whatever demands he wants. For now he'd be much better advised to stay where he is and learn his trade a bit more.

  4. Decent enough player but so far has achieved absolutely nothing.

    He's a cocky little shit and is trying to hold Liverpool to ransom. The idea of a 20 year old with potential (but nothing in terms of actual solid achievement) trying to dictate to club of Liverpool's stature is a joke. He should be told to shut up, get back in his corner, start turning in consistent good performances, particularly in the big games, and start helping Liverpool win stuff.

    For him to say it's not about the money is laughable.

    Sadly he is indicative of young players today. They want all the money and the glory and think that the game owes them everything but without putting in the hard yards first.

    Can you imagine the likes of Souness or Fergie putting up with his pathetic demands?

    I do think, though, that he is being very badly advised and if he had any sense he'd find himself a decent agent whose primary concern is Sterling's career and not lining his own pockets. I'm sure one must exist somewhere.....greedy agents are yet another sad indictment of the game today.

    But if he really wants to go then Liverpool should let him go and then sit back and watch his career go down the pan.

  5. Not a Blackpool fan at all but what Oyston has done to the club is nothing short of disgraceful.

    The image of him smugly sitting there smiling and laughing when the protest started sickened me.

    Why can't he and his ilk just extricate themselves from football and leave the game to those who at least care a wee bit about it and the clubs they run?

    Why does he want to destroy Blackpool FC? I can't see any evidence he wants to do anything but.

  6. What did the journalist ask? I can barely hear what he says.

    Pearson was going on about the "constant recent criticism" he and his players wer receiving. The journo asked - specifically what criticism are you referring to? To which I think he was entitled to expect an answer.

    Instead he got humiliated by an utter bawbag for no good reason.

  7. To be fair most Celtic fans I have spoken to or who have commented on social media are being more sensible about this than the club they support. Not all obviously (there are plenty of zoomers in any support), but most. I find they are annoyed at the fact that a terrible refereeing decision cost them a place in the cup final (which I think is fair enough, it was and it did) but in the cold light of day, can see it for what it was a a piece of terrible refereeing, no more.

    Bang on the money. Well said.

    A few headcases will be convinced there's a conspiracy but the reality is there isn't. We just have a couple of really shite refs in Scotland and an administrative body that sometimes does things that beggar belief. Being an idiot doesn't make you biased. It just makes you an idiot.

    Just noticed McLean was born on 1 April. How appropriate!

  8. McLean and his assistant had a shocker on Sunday and their incompetence has probably cost Celtic the treble. However it's nothing to do with conspiracies or him bring a currant bun etc etc it's simply the fact that he is an unbelievably shit ref and nothing else.

    Many examples of his incompetence are cited on this thread and others which is why (and is the only reason why) I'm actually glad Celtic lodged a complaint. His shocking displays cannot be allowed to continue unchecked and his string of dreadful decisions swept under the carpet. The time has come for him to be held to account for his obvious failings.

    His blunders gave been high profile and affected the outcome of more than just Sunday's game and it's not just Celtic that have suffered as result. If Celtic's complaint leads to him being held accountable at last and saves other teams from suffering the consequences of his poor decision making then quite frankly it is a good thing. If he learns from it and becomes a decent ref (well you never know) then even better.

    Whether or not that is what is driving Celtic's decision to complain I know not, but it would be a happy consequence either way.

    Celtic's letter of complaint as far as I am aware is about McLean's incompetence and seeking an explanation and nothing else. Unless they requested Meekings be suspended, which I very much doubt, then to blame Celtic for the farcical decision to suspend him is well wide of the mark.

    You could argue that Meekings would've been banned for the final if McLean had been semi competent and done his job right but I think that would've been harsh anyway as would Gordon's suspension had Celtic made it.

    I don't believe any player should miss a final through suspension unless it is due to a straight red for either violent conduct or serious foul play.

    Missing finals due to picking up x number of yellows during the competition or 2 in a semi seems very harsh to me. Some of these guys may never get the chance to play in a cup final again.

    Whoever has decided Meekings should be banned, particularly in the circumstances, needs to take a long look at themselves. That is just pathetic.

  9. Quite simply, the SPFL should've looked at the fixtures months ago, see that Hearts v Rangers was, as they say, a likelihood for TV and move all fixtures then to a 12.30 k/o on the Saturday. That way, nobody would've had any complaints. Clubs have every right to be peeved.

    Doncaster (and others) need to go. Get Barry Hearn in to run the show!

    Too much common sense in there, bud. Far too much.

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