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Posts posted by Stapes

  1. Was getting quite down about the fact that people on here were turning lots of people to Yes on Facebook, but just didn't seem to be happening to me, Three tonight admitted they'd now be voting Yes, whilst three said No. I'll take a 50% success rate (for now).

    My son was telling me that a girl from his school took a Yes badge from him at the Big Debate. Afterwards she handed it back saying that both her parents were Nos and she couldn't be bothered arguing with them. Smart them kids!

  2. My son is at that debate today. His school held a debate that ended up something like 70% No, 30% Yes, but that was several months ago. Things have changed dramatically. I have been struggling to get enough Yes badges and stickers to keep up with the demand from his schoolmates. He reckons it's at least 70% Yes now - been a massive change since the debate really got going. Huge swing to Yes amongst 16/17/18 year olds, and I've spoken to a Head Teacher at another local school who tells me that the same has happened at her school. I think Yes is going to be a long way ahead in that age group.

    Exactly the same story at my son's school, who incidentally is also going today.

  3. Here's a post I wrote for a couple of local Yes sites. Just raging. So angry that I took Chris Harvie's word over Flure's :yikes3:

    Yesterday's onslaught on Scotland by the forces of the British State - political, financial, media - was, quite simply, one of the most disgusting spectacles I've ever witnessed. Swaying back and forth between battering Scots and showering us with love, it was an attempt to force those undecided and soft Yes voters into the No camp, and to stop the haemorrhaging of No voters. As someone who was quite sure Yes were on the verge of victory (the polls do not reflect the picture on the ground, and poor internal polling was the reason the Three Stooges graced us with their presence) yesterday had me worried. Some people will buckle under the intense pressure, and I wouldn't view them in any less a light for doing so – we all need to ensure we and our families are looked after. But now is a time for clarity and strength, a time to view these threats for what they are and stand up against the bully. It will be hard. When we see major institutions threatening to leave we see only the worst. In some cases they've threatened it before and nothing happened. Why? Because they don't need to move - you can run a financial services business from anywhere in the world.

    And let’s look at the people who are making, or behind, these statements. Politicians, financiers, and media moguls. The very three groups that in the last three years have been embroiled in an expenses scandal, the virtual collapse of the banking system, and the phone tapping scandal. The very people threatening us are the very people we need to be rid of. I don’t want to live in a Scotland controlled by them, by this Cambridge and Oxford-educated boys’ club. They are not like me, and they are not like you. They don’t scrimp and save every month hoping they can make it to the next payday before the money runs out. They don’t wonder where the shoes for their kids feet will come from. They don’t visit food banks because a tin of beans from Tesco is too expensive. They have a lavish lifestyle that most of us can only imagine. They don’t inhabit the same reality as most voters in the referendum. But what Scotland has done is threaten their cosy little lifestyle. In the case of politicians, for example, 59 of them are looking at their P45 (most of us already know what that looks like) – easy to see why they’re fighting like hell to stop us going. For the others it’s about the loss of fringe benefits – the knighthood or free holidays in the Caribbean – or they’re repaying past favours (isn’t that right ‘Sir’ Ian Wood).

    But this may backfire on them. Scots don't like to be bullied. And we especially don't like to be bullied by three Cambridge posh boys representing the British establishment. Let's take our country back people and build a new, better one where the gap between rich and poor narrows rather than widens. Where we aren't obsessed with spending £200,000 a day on nuclear weapons we don't even control. Where oil is used for our benefit rather than funding infrastructure vanity projects. Where we don't have troops dying needlessly in illegal wars. Where we never again have to put up with a poll tax or bedroom tax. Where our industries are protected, unlike our steel, coal and shipbuilding ones of days past. Where we control our own destiny. And that final point is the most important, because this is not a fight between Scotland and England, it is not an Alex Salmond vanity project. It is about controlling the destiny of our country and giving us and our kids the opportunity of a better future. More of the same is not enough any more. Grasp this chance people because you will never get it again. Look beyond the cheap threats to the wonderful possibilities. Vote Yes for a better Scotland.

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