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Posts posted by Stapes

  1. I've got a hand-written copy of FoS framed on my wall, signed by Ronnie Brown. Right next to it is a big print of the Declaration of Arbroath. How the fukk am I supposed to look at them with any pride now?

    Got a great pic yesterday of Ronnie Brown heading out to vote at Danderhall, and hugging the Yesser doing polling duty. It all seemed so rosy then.

  2. I think they will, I think they know they have to. But I think it will be some cobbled together ninsense than when you scrape beneath the surface actually offers very little at all. And to be honest, we can't complain, or those who voted No can't complain. They were warned. Don't come running to me whining about bloody politicians at Westminster. You just gave them carte blanche to tear the heart out if Scotland. And they will tear it out, because they're never going to allow this to happen again.

  3. From Scot Goes Pop

    One obvious possibility we shouldn't discount is that BT have used their vast resources to commission several private polls from different companies, and have simply published the worst one for Yes (ie. 'publication bias'). Today's figures are, of course, well within the margin of error of a 49% Yes vote - exactly the same as yesterday's poll.

    Exactly what I said to my wife.

  4. Dont know if it's been mentioned elsewhere but Labour councillor apparently stepped down from Inverclyde council tonight in relation to #indyref and Newsnet are tweeting they know of 2 Labour MSPs voting Yes. Not clear if these Labour members are being lined up for a Yes set piece next week, but if true and Yes have some Labour members in their pocket for a high profile declaration next week, the game is up.

    Wasn't it Margo MacDonald said that half the Labour MSPs at Holyrood had sympathy for a Yes vote? That might be an over-exaggeration, but there must be some. I don't know enough about them to say who they would be.

  5. And it eventually descends into the uninformed and threatening (complete with snazzy bow tie):


    Nationalism is an ugly force, accentuating and exaggerating minor differences, creating and exploiting perceived grievances. It’s worth pointing out that in the event of a ‘yes’ vote, it would be the fiduciary duty of the rump UK government to negotiate the absolute best deal for its taxpayers — which would mean no more favours to Scotland. The SNP will reap what they sow, but it is the ordinary British citizen who will ultimately lose out. We will all be diminished.
    Stewart Fergus, South Croydon

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