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Ally Bongo

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Posts posted by Ally Bongo

  1. Humza Yousaf will never ever garnish the public support to lead Scotland to Independence as leader of the SNP

    I said it when the leadership election started, said it when it finished and still say it

    He does not have the personality or character to do it - never mind his religion or past gaffs 

    For the SNP to become more radical in trying to achieve Independence they need the people behind them, not apathy.

    There is no point hoping that between now and the General Election, Yousaf or any of his mediocre cabinet will be able to pull a rabbit out the hat and lead the SNP into a stonking number of seats

    Alternatively the polls might be wrong and the SNP can take that gamble



  2. 43 minutes ago, Squirrelhumper said:

    SNP have been sleep walking to this past few years. Sad to see but nobody buy themselves to blame.  Fucking grim going back to a unionist government in hollyrood but might be kick up arse snp need.

    That's polling for the GE

    However if Labour win the most seats in Scotland along the way to being the Westminster Government then it is likely they will at the very least be the majority party in Holyrood again

    Unless of course the SNP get shot of Humza after a GE gubbiing - but i wouldn't bet on that they way the Holyrood SNP is

  3. 1 hour ago, Malcolm said:

    Great to see Police Scotland come out and say JKR has not committed any offence.  How about arresting all these people reporting her for wasting police time?

    the Scottish Government could do with finding a new Ad agency… that hate monster campaign is about as laughable as the last SNP party political broadcast. 😂

    How is Scotland different from England ?

  4. 15 minutes ago, Orraloon said:

    How did the "wokerati" (whoever they are) get into that position in the first place, though. They started at the bottom and worked their way up. Nae sniggers at the back of the class. Nicola didn't go cruising round the pubs, picking up folk she thought looked like weirdos, saying "Come with me and I'll stick you on the NEC". I know some folk might like think that was what happened, but it really wasn't.

  5. The problem with "changing the SNP from within" is that it is impossible at the moment

    The party has been severely hi-jacked and the NEC gerrymandered to ensure the wokerati is represented above those that desire Independence

    I stopped funding the SNP but i will continue to vote for them because of the alternatives

    Another problem is the SNP hope that and factor it in

  6. 14 minutes ago, hampden_loon2878 said:

    humza is finished, the snp will take a hit in the GE,, However with ross and sarwar totally unelectable the snp may have an open goal for the next holyrood election depending on what leader they install,, every cloud and all that 


    The big problem is that it is the SNP at Holyrood who will more or less decide who is the leader/FM

    We saw at the last leadership election numerous trumpets saying they would not serve in a Kate Forbes cabinet

    That was the moment i decided to leave the SNP if Humza won because it was crystal clear that there is a large tranche of elected SNP MSPs that are not one bit interested in Independence and they need to go


  7. 3 hours ago, Goozay said:

    Aye, and if Forbes had the opportunity in that free vote she confirmed she would vote against. Not abstain, not find something else to do that day, she said she would vote against. 

    That's why there was a media shitstorm at the time.

    Yes because unlike Humza she was, stupidly, honest

    She also said she was just one vote and if she was FM she would not govern as a dictator or roll back rights that have already been won


    OK, can anyone explain to me why we are having so much high-profile, detailed criticism of the Hate Crime Act this week, when it is about to be implemented, & not during the long period when it was under consideration at Holyrood. Were people & orgs unaware of it? Or what?
    Some of us did. When I argued for adequate freedom of expression defences for gender critical feminists, Nicola Sturgeon called me a transphobe, I was sacked from my SNP front bench role & received threats of rape. It had a chilling effect as was intended.
  8. 29 minutes ago, Goozay said:

    That was Forbes' apology. What she was apologising for was saying that if she had the opportunity to vote against gay marriage in Parliament she would take that opportunity, because of her faith.

    That's why she lost the support of a lot her MSP colleagues.

    It was a free vote and Democracy won

    Humza meanwhile managed to get out of attending the vote

  9. Just to add The World at War was released before Bletchley Park was declassified and well before the fall of the Soviet Union let their archives be released

    What is interesting is that Claude Lanzmann released his film Shoah in 1985 after 11 years of research, also before the Russian archives became available, yet everything in it was confirmed when they were

    It is hard going and the actual film is over 9 hours long - with hundreds of hours of film that did not make it into the movie available in the Holocaust Museum archives

    It is available on Youtube with English subtitles

    When you ask people what they know of the Holocaust the majority will say Auschwitz and Gas Chambers

    A large number have never heard of Belzec, Chelmno, Sobibor, Treblinka & Majdanek along with the thousands of other mass killing sites

    His film does not include any archive footage - only interviews with victims, perpetrators and bystanders along with footage of the sites in the 70s

    The Polish peasant farmers that still live near Treblinka gives you a chill - as you realise they are lying their tits off about how they reacted at the time





  10. There had been speculation over whether Ms Forbes would continue in the race after a series of MSPs withdrew their backing but she has made clear she intends to fight on.

    She wrote in a statement on Facebook and Twitter on Thursday: "I feel greatly burdened that some of my responses to questions in the media have caused hurt, which was never my intention as I sought to answer questions clearly.

    "I will defend to the hilt the right of everybody in Scotland, particularly minorities, to live and to live without fear or harassment in a pluralistic and tolerant society.

    "I will uphold the laws that have been won, as a servant of democracy, and seek to enhance the rights of everybody to live in a way which enables them to flourish.

    "I firmly believe in the inherent dignity of each human being - that underpins all ethical and political decisions I make."

    She was honest

    Unlike Humza

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