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Posts posted by Alibi

  1. 15 hours ago, scotlad said:

    I've no time for the institution of the royal family but it is indeed a wretched, wretched disease he's been diagnosed with. Hopefully he can beat it. Best wishes to him.

    It's not a single disease.  There are lots of different types of cancer, some of them extremely treatable.  A friend of mine recently celebrated his 80th birthday - he has had prostate cancer for many years and was told quite a few years ago that he will die with it but not from it.  It's not necessarily a death sentence these days, albeit some types of cancer have a poor survival rate (pancreatic cancer seems to be one of the worst).  As for the bit about "beating" cancer, my missus, who is a bowel cancer survivor and now totally clear of the disease for more than 20 years, dislikes that phraseology.  Cancer treatment isn't really a matter of "beating" anything; it's a matter of firstly getting the right diagnosis as early as possible and getting the expert treatment needed to recover from or at least mitigate the disease.  I don't think Charles will need to worry about waiting lists.

    On a slightly lighter note, as soon as I heard the date of the queen's funeral had been announced, I rushed into my local travel agent to book a long weekend abroad to avoid the  whole thing.  Going to have to put some money away just in case we're having to repeat the whole thing this year...

  2. On 2/3/2024 at 9:14 PM, Dave78 said:

    Like many others on here, i've become scunnered with the current SNP and the mistakes the Sturgeon era of the party has made.

    However, watching the British media attempt to gaslight us all over Sturgeon's handling of Covid has been fucking galling. So much so that i'm now almost certain i'll be voting SNP at the next GE, when i had been considering sitting this one out.

    At the risk of coming over all Hampden Loon and reading too much into my own political bubble, I doubt i'm alone. Expect a 3 to 5 percent bump in the SNP's vote share in the next set of polls.

    BTW, @Northern Light welcome to the board and thanks for your great contributions to the thread

    I think the contract between the treatment of Nicola Sturgeon and Alister Jack (and also the soft treatment of most of the Tory cabinet mob) has opened people's eyes this past week or so.  Sturgeon being attached quite viciously by the MSM including BBC Scotland, while Jack says he deleted all his messages and it's "Oh right, OK no problem".  The woman who called it a witchhunt on QT got it, and so have many many others.  The penny has dropped.

    Once Labour's actual policies on Brexit , freedom of movement etc. are publicised, Sarwar should be hounded relentlessly.  Ian Murray couldn't answer a question on QT because of the polar opposite of what Starmer said about Gaza and what Sarwar said.  In an election campaign, the wheels will come off millionaire Sarwar pretty quickly.

  3. 7 minutes ago, TDYER63 said:

    You haven’t answered the question you have simply deflected it back. What realistic path do you think will win us independence after the SNP are out of government due to a protest vote or not voting  at all ? Because that is exactly what will happen . It will be a media spectacle only on par with the Queens Golden Jubilee and it will get battered home that Scotland does not want independence. It would not take long before apathy did set in. Are you willing to risk this ? 

    Who said anything about being beholden or owing them anything? Yes , its an utter shit situation as no political party should be in a position where they are holding people to ransom, but people really cannot underestimate the consequences of a unionist government in Holyrood. Like it or not the only way for independence to be kept alive is for a pro indy government to be in place and with the greatest of respect to the other parties they are just not going to get the votes. 

    If you really dislike them that much then go ahead  and make your stance, you are entitled to do as you want like anyone else who feels the same.  I have come close to leaving the party and just watching from the sidelines as there are things I dont agree with. But they already have a massive pressure from the constant unionist battering, even when they do right they do wrong. For me its better to be inside trying to force change than outside joining the attack. 
    In my job I need to weigh up risk all the time. Weighing up the potential consequences of not voting versus voting is,  in my opinion, a risk  I am not willing to take, unless you can suggest more than that there will be a reset. 


    Agree with every word.

  4. Well said the woman who described the treatment of Nicola Sturgeon compared to the treatment of the likes of Johnson and Sunak as a witch hunt.  And the man who was ranting about shutting down the Scottish parliament got roundly booed by the audience.  Fairly sure you could work out which football team he supports.

    Kate Forbes handled herself fairly well, although as usual Fiona Bruce repeatedly interrupted her or talked over her; Malcolm Offord and Fraser Nelson on the other hand were given free rein to spout their lies and distortions without interruption.

  5. The difference in the treatment of NS and Alister Jack must be blatantly obvious to even the most blinkered unionist.  The UK inquiry has been set up as a "get the SNP" charade; a de facto show trial worthy of soviet Russia.  They don't give a fuck about the inconsistencies in how different folk are treated.  FMQ today was ridiculous with Ross and Sarwar eager to put the boot in.  I amn't by any means a Sturgeon loyalist, but the way she is being vilified is like something from the McCarthy era in the USA.

  6. 6 hours ago, TDYER63 said:

    Totally agree.

    I would like to know the grand plan of the ‘dont vote for the SNP ‘  independence supporters. 
    Do people really think that ‘teaching them a wee lesson’ is in any way going to advance independence? When Labour are back in power in the UK and Scotland and supported by anti independence parties on all sides . 
    I would like someone to elaborate on how this is going to work.



    Spot on.  The SNP needs some changes on peripheral policies, but primarily it's a force for indy or it's nothing.  And if the SNP flops at the next election, it will be used against us for years.

  7. 16 hours ago, Grim Jim said:

    Some of what the Wee Ginger Dug says (in tomorrow's National?):


    They have cut off the head TWICE, and are currently destroying the independence movement, and some folk think letting Starmer's Brit Nat Tories take Scottish seats will be a good idea!

    Have a wee think about it.


    Spot on.  We are in a war of independence and the MSM are engaged in trying to sway opinion in Scotland - their aim is to dupe people into voting Labour - pro-brexit anti-indy Labour - and it seems that many gullible folk are falling for it.  Not voting at all is bad enough, but voting for these unionist cunts is beyond the pale.

    In any upcoming election, the SNP need to put indy in the first like of their manifesto.  No ifs or buts.  Failing to do that would confirm that some at the top don't want it.  we need a statement that the indy movement as a whole can support - and that should include holding out an olive branch to the other pro-indy parties.

  8. 2 hours ago, vanderark14 said:

    Found this online this morning

    The SNP should be all over this IMO. 

    Well played to the UK government, especially the tories. They have created a country where hardly any of the population cares what the government does. The population has just accepted that this is the way things are and thats that. 

    The SNP are moribund at the moment, unwilling to rock any boats, scared of their own shadows.  Trying to be good wee parliamentarians.  Heading for an electoral doing by the look of it and still they don't do anything to win back voters or even to rebut some of the ludicrous SNPbad stories.

  9. 8 hours ago, Ally Bongo said:

    Things you wont see or hear from BBC Scotland # 456

    As of Thursday, the 31st of January, the UK is going to start phasing in border controls on food products coming from the EU, says FT public policy editor,

    Have a think on the consequences


    There's already a shortage of some medicines due to Brexit.  And incidentally a massive shortage of dentists due to most of the EU ones who used to work here having gone elsewhere.  I bought my office building when I set up my own business in the 1980s and once the loan was paid off it was meant to be my pension fund - had a firm of dentists leasing it but they moved to bigger premises and it's proving almost impossible to find a new tenant despite the fact that this area is crying out for more dentists.  Similar story for a lot of other things, both goods and businesses. But hey, it's all good because a bunch of rich folk can dodge paying tax.

  10. 1 hour ago, Caledonian Craig said:

    At the end of the day the decision of when to hold a referendum should lie with Scottish Parliament as it is a Scottish matter. We entered into this union through a vote by the politicians of Scotland (most bought off) so why do we now have to ask Westminster just to have a referendum. It is totally unacceptable and unreasonable bordering on dictatorship. I get that there should not be a referendum on regular basis but when catastrophic decisions such as Brexit are made (against what Scotland voted for) then referendum should have been held. Also at times of strong pro-independence MP's voted in for General Elections or Scottish Elections. Nothing unreasonable about that. 

    7 years between referenda is written into the NI good Friday agreement.  Seems reasonable to me.  Also Brexit is itself a justification for another indyref.  I look forward to Anus Sarwar being skewered at the next UK election on Labour's new line that Brexit is now great.  He should be torn to shreds in every interview for that duplicity.

    If Yousaf wants to have any chance of not being humiliated, he needs to make the UK election about independence.  Our MPs can't make any difference at WM anyway, so use the election to prioritise the most important issue.  Sadly Yousaf is not an inspiring leader in any way.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Malcolm said:

    100% agree with Alex Salmond.  Humza has ruined 25 years of work in less than 12 months. To be fair to him, it started going badly downhill when the Greens got involved.  Shambles.

    Humza is leagues below a politician like Alex.


    Can't really argue with that.  I wonder where we'd be now if Salmond hadn't resigned in 2014.  Probably not up shit creek without a paddle, which is where we seem to be, with nobody actually pushing forward with a route to indy.  Yousaf is so low grade that he would be rejected at a recycling plant.  He's a managerial type, nothing more.

    BTW regarding the story about the house of lords, we want out of the union, not to be complicit in keeping it running.  If any SNP politician were to accept a lordship, it would send a strong signal that they weren't interested in getting independence, and it would probably knock a few points off the SNP vote.  Nothing says establishment like ermine and pissed breeks.

  12. 34 minutes ago, Squirrelhumper said:

    He told ministers to always have a drink in their hand to avoid wearing a mask. Certainty wasn't the tone used towards the public in his daily lectures.

    Given the coverage of things in Scotland, I'd take anything the MSM say with a pinch of salt.  However I do recall Leitch changed his views on mask-wearing after about the end of March 2020 - initially we was quoted as saying masks wouldn't do anything to help, and also that attending a stereophonics gig wasn't a risk.  I hope they ask him about that.

    The whole media coverage seems to be SNP bad, whereas at WM they are ignoring a lot of the inappropriate behaviour.  I would though be interested to know who took the decisions about sending ill people into care homes, because to a layman like me, that sounds like a really stupid thing to do unless there was total isolation of these people from any infected people (i.e. no staff going between the infected and uninfected areas).

    I do notice that on the phone ins there are lots of yoons eager to bash the SG and NS in particular.  The usual suspects.

    BTW I noticed some talk that the deletion of Whatsapp messages by Sturgeon was so that the messages about her plot to get Salmond weren't made public.  No idea if there's any truth in that but surely you can delete message selectively anyway?

  13. That was some storm on Sunday.  I had just finished building my new greenhouse a couple of weeks ago and it's more or less destroyed.  I can probably put it back together (once I find the last two missing roof panels) but it's clear that although it was highly recommended by experts, it clearly just isn't strong enough for high winds.  May have to re-engineer the roof design as some of the rather flimsy fixings failed.  A Palram Rion Grand Gardener, and Palram will be getting a strongly worded complaint shortly.

    Waiting for the next storm with some trepidation.

  14. 19 hours ago, Malcolm said:

    If the SNPs campaign is as good as the party political broadcast I have seen they have no chance. Amateurs 😂

    Watch the Labour one, or rather the Scottish labour one as they titled it.  Hilariously bad.

    I saw a wee bit of the SNP one.  Pretty unimaginative and bland.  Harking on about baby boxes isn't going to get us any closer to independence.

  15. 23 hours ago, Orraloon said:

    Even Alex Salmond thought it was a poor choice of name.

    One possible alternative was "Party for an Independent Scotland" but he thought folk might take the piss.

    Scottish Independence Party, or perhaps a left field idea, the Scottish International Party.  Having the word "national" in the name just allows yoons to make lazy and inaccurate comparisons to 1930s Germany, and the gullible or hard of thinking swallow it.

  16. I note there was a vote in WM about giving Scotland the right to have referenda.  A majority of Scottish MPs supported it but it was beaten by English MPs voting against.  Maybe they should bring forwards an identical motion but seeking to give England the power to have a referendum and see where that leads.  The whole thing demonstrates that Scotland does not have democracy - we are prisoners in an abusive, coercive union.  Our MPs should be saying that loud and clear at every opportunity instead of being good wee parliamentarians.  Would add impact if they also said "fuck" a lot and generally made themselves too disruptive to allow WM business to function.  Also doing whatever they're not allowed to do (like clapping, although seems English MPs get away with that). Fuck the UK, fuck the union, fuck WM.

  17. 13 hours ago, Hertsscot said:

    Over bright car headlights. Been nearly blinded a couple of times driving to work in the morning. The white ones are worst, yellow ones not so bad. Is there some sort of law on this?

    There was a discussion about this on Radio Scotland yesterday or the day before.  I think the main problem is that LED lights are a lot brighter although I understand that some cars have a system that switches off some of the diodes when a car approaches in the opposite direction to create a narrower more focussed beam that doesn't dazzle the oncoming driver.  I imagine that's maybe only on more expensive models though.

  18. 5 hours ago, Ally Bongo said:

    The way it's looking is that the SNP are not doing anything to make those that stayed at home to go out and vote for them

    If anything it's getting worse with one crisis leading to another

    example - Humza spending a large chunk of FMQ's answering questions about the post office scandal when he should be emphasising that it has fuck all to do with the Scottish Government as the Post Office is reserved and highlight the folly of unionism considering Scots Law and English Law

    But not Humza - he wants the Union to sort it out

    He is allowing British Labour to lump the SNP in with the Tories

    The SNP are far too defensive and despite calls for them to change and be more populist, like your suggestions, they double down

    Spot on.  Yousaf is utterly hopeless.  No leadership qualities at all.  We needed a strong leader and we got that loser.  he has no strategic vision.  Sleepwalking into an electoral gubbing and hasn't got the nous to attack Labour on the numerous points of weakness (they are pro-brexit ffs, as well as anti indy and anti referendum), to get some momentum going.  He just creates apathy, and we need better than that.

  19. On 1/7/2024 at 7:54 PM, vanderark14 said:

    How was one life?

    Worth going to see, even if you already know the story.  Saw it at the cinema in Annan, which has 2 small cinemas (about 65 seats each) side by side in the original cinema building (plus a third cinema at the front of the building but never been in that bit).  The film showing in the adjacent room was Ferrari, and every so often the sound of engines could be heard through the wall.  Made we want to go and see Ferrari actually, but One Life was a decent watch.  

    Also saw The Old Oak at the same venue a couple of months ago, a Ken Loach film.  It was very good too although the ending was maybe a bit too tidy for my liking.  Again, worth seeing.  Barbie and Wonka not really appealing to me although Mrs Alibi loved Barbie.

  20. 6 minutes ago, Ally Bongo said:

    It's also only a matter of time before England's fresh water becomes unfit for human consumption and they drain Scotland's other resource 

    You may well laugh

    Nothing to laugh about.  IIRC plans are already being prepared to build a trunk main across the border.  We need to ensure there's a stop valve incorporated to allow us to cut off their supply...

  21. 2 hours ago, TDYER63 said:

    Meanwhile I have a branch meeting on Wednesday where , to quote the email ‘ the main topic of conversation will be the upcoming Burns supper


    I personally think Believe in Scotland are the way to go to promote independence. They seem to be fairly impartial on the various independence parties and at times act like the  only adults in the room. Not sure if I am missing something as they rarely get mentioned on here. 

    That's exactly why I gave up going to branch meetings.

    Regarding Tommy Sheppard's comment, I think the way it's been reported has been twisted by the MSM.  If the SNP have a very bad result at the UK election, the media line will be that indy is dead, off the table, everyone is pro union and proud brits - i think that's what Tommy was actually saying.  The thing is though that I don't think support for indy will fall; once people realise that Labour are just tories in practice, anti EU, pro brexit, in favour of tuition fees, prescription charges, genocide in the middle east etc. etc., there will be a strong reaction, similat to after 2014.  Indy folk are not going back in their box.  As for SNP members hating Salmond, that might be true with some of the feeble minded sturgeonites and the wokerati faction, but as a long term member (lapsed) I still have the greatest of admiration for Alex even though I don't see Alba getting anywhere fast.  The splits in the indy movement haven't happened by accident, and I think Sturgeon is involved in the  whether voluntarily or due to someone putting pressure on her for some dirt they have on file.

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