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Robert Mcdermott

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Everything posted by Robert Mcdermott

  1. Police have been informed and I,m awaiting their response.
  2. England v Scotland 11th November at Crystals night club. pre & post match gig. PRESENTING : Ted Christopher Amanda Brown Ross Coutts Pipe Band March to the ground, approx 11 minutes walk. Pre match tickets £10 Post match tickets £5. Donation made to T.A.C.C. tickets available soon.
  3. Sorry folks, all the buses are full, and I've had no cancellations yet.
  4. Anyone not received their voucher yet should check all their inboxes inc spam and junk boxes for an email from i4travel. Otherwise call the Agents on 01698377510
  5. The threat has already been put up on The Tartan Army Group on Facebook. Now move along nothing here to see.
  6. If this Harassment continues, I will have no option but to involve the Admins on this site and have you warned or thrown off it. Yous are nothing but Keyboard Gangsters. This is also not the appropriate thread for this conversation.
  7. Thanks. I think my inexperience has shown through here. I don't work for a Travel Agent so a little more clarity wouldn't of gone a miss. I didn't set the rules, but all I wanted to do at the end of the day was to help the Tartan Army to get to and fro the game. I will no longer participate in organising any future bus or plane trips after the backlash I have received on here and on Facebook, it seems everyone jumped on the Elites bandwagon following suit . What happened on FB should never have come on here which is an official site , whereas FB is a social media site with Keyboard Gangsters behind it. This is still not finished by a long chalk. Legal proceedings are in progress with the shit I've put up with over the last month.
  8. {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 .HelveticaNeueInterface-Regular;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green0\blue0;} \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs38 \cf0 \cb2 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec3 }
  9. Gibraltar vs Scotland, Sunday 11 October 2015, Estadio Algarve Kick off 7:45pm local time Thanks for booking 01 seats on the coach from Albufeira to the Match and back. Please see the attached voucher which should be printed and presented on the day to the Bus Marshall. Full details of timings and pick up points are on the voucher – PLEASE ENSURE YOU ARE FAMILIAR WITH THE PICK UP POINT AND TIMINGS – IF YOU HAVE ANY DOUBTS, PLEASE CONTACT i4TRAVEL IMMEDIATELY on 01698 377510 or email We have 10 Buses leaving from Albufeira and you and your party will be on BUS 1 – please ensure you are at the pick-up points 15 minutes before departure each way. Please email by return to confirm you have received the voucher Bus Numbers Each Bus will be numbered 1 to 10 so please ensure you join the correct Bus as per your voucher Alcohol/Smoking Without sounding like party poopers, you are NOT allowed to consume alcohol or smoke on the coaches. We would ask you to respect this as the Local Supplier has asked us to let everyone know in advance so there is no disappointment on the day. Bus Marshalls The Bus Marshalls are helping out on a voluntary basis and we would ask that you co operate with them as much as possible to help make the journey as smooth as possible. Stay Connected If you want to stay in touch with i4travel holiday offers, competitions and future trips, why not like our Facebook Page: Holidays at i4travel or follow us on Twitter: @i4travelhols It’s not been an easy few days being a Scotland Supporter but let’s hope we can get a result against Poland first, then Gibraltar and make the Play – Offs! We’ll Be Comin................... Scott
  10. It only takes one or two to spoil it for the rest without knowing any of the facts. The accusations are unfounded so my conscious is clear. I was prepared to do charter flights for the World Cup Qualifiers at a reasonable rate , but not anymore. Let's just consentrate on the games ahead and hope we get to the playoffs. Now let's all move on from this and put all this nonsense to bed .
  11. At the end of the day all I wanted to do was help the Tartan Army get to the game and back safely. All I can say is, there will be no more help from me on organising buses or travel packages to further games abroad. The answer to your question regarding the Travel Agent is that, it's a company I use to book my own family holidays and that they were always cheap, hence the reason I used them. Now rip into the ones that are ripping the fans off by charging £14/15 .
  12. This stops and it stops now. I have made not 1 penny from these buses. The travel agent is the one making the profit. At £13 for a return trip is a very fair I thought when I started making these arrangements over a year ago. There are other people running buses at £14 and £15 per return trip, so lay off me folks. There has been a lot of man hours and paperwork gone into making this happen, not to mention the amount of my free time I've given up. All I ask is let it run its course and give me peace without the snide remarks . Thanks.
  13. Can you give Scott a phone and double check your names . 01698377510
  14. Also, can you give my page a like on Facebook. Scotland Tartan Army Football forum ( staff ) , thanks. [><] we'll be comin [><]
  15. Please note all buses are full and your vouchers will be sent out 6 weeks before the game. NOTE..... No voucher no bus, so please look after these well.
  16. I have 1 seat still available if anyone is interested, pm me plz. Cheers [><] we'll be comin [><]
  17. I may have seats available on one of the 10 buses I'm running as I've had cancellations.
  18. I didn't make the rules, take it up with the Tour Operator. @Dundeelad88
  19. Can I just emphasis,it's not the refund, it's the fairness on giving the next on the list the seats without upsetting those on the reserve list. @Dundeelad88
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