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Posts posted by antidote

  1. as i say the polls have forced their hand, till now they been able to keep schtum and not get involved as it was going there way.

    Now its in their interest to speak up. Its not some tory consiparcy its common sense - from there point.

    Complete nonsense! they've been got at by Cameron.

    Peston of the bbc let the cat out of the bag by saying that David Cameron had a secret meeting with the banks and retailers before they went public.

  2. Not really a surprise but by God it shows what the Yes campaign has been up against. Every facet of the MSM (sunday herald excepted) is against them and yet still polls are almost neck and neck.

    Just imagine how far in front Yes would have been with a compliant media.

    It actually gets me down that none of them can see why, according to polls, approx half the country is voting Yes and goes " you know what they have a point".

    Britain was broken, Gordon Brown was a fool et. Etc. how quickly their tone changes when their wee London cabal is threatened.

    The only thing giving me hope is the daily record and Sun front pages on election day 2007 and how despite that the SNP still won out. This seems to be on a different level

    Couldn't agree more.

    People don't realise that a no vote is not going to bring back the status quo, things have changed, Independence is coming one way or the other.

    Get out there early on polling day and cover every village, town and city with saltires and show the press what they're up against.

  3. Just spoken wi wee Einstein doon the road:

    Edited is nae the word. When they went in, Yes was so prelavent, they had to tell some to move to undecided.

    The wee man said the coverage was farcical, and a new age has grown up to see the state broadcaster for what it is.


    I heard this morning something similar. The BBC had asked YES voters to sit in the undecided/no side to fill up the seats.

    I also heard there was a poll and the vast majority was for YES, but the bbc decided to keep it under wraps.

    Anyone else heard this?

  4. I heard this morning from my local SNP councillor that there is around 500,000 new registrations in the whole of Scotland and expects around 80% of them to be voting YES.

    He also told me that at his work, in the local council buildings, that he had been told by the person who collates the registrations that it has only been the SNP who has been handing them in for our area, not 1 from the Labour mob.

    He also cited the RIC who he said had gathered around 50,000 new registered voters, mainly from the Glasgow area.

    Warning! Figures may vary from time to time. :wink2:

  5. I was just trying to give you more accurate numbers. My main point being that there are 4.2 million registered voters, not 3.2 million. That is quite a significant difference.

    Full apologies to you. I stand corrected.

    I heard on the radio today that there was indeed 4.2 million registered voters.

    Don't get me wrong I still believe that the amounts still seem strange, but I am a man of principle and I have heard the same numbers you have quoted today so I will meekly remove myself from this argument and bow to your better knowledge.

  6. I was just trying to give you more accurate numbers. My main point being that there are 4.2 million registered voters, not 3.2 million. That is quite a significant difference.

    I'm sorry, but there is not 4.2 million registered voters.

    4.2 million registered voters and the estimated 800,000 make 5 million people in Scotland over 16 and that leaves just 300,000 under 16s, which I find hard to believe.

    The main point is that I was giving rough figures, which I clearly stated.

  7. If it turns out to be as high as that (which I doubt) that would be good for democracy. Not sure that a high turnout is good for YES though?

    Around 4 million voters in Scotland, 800,000 not registered = 3.2 million voters. Now say there is a 80% turnout, that would make it around 2.56 million voters in total.

    Now consider that there is [rumoured] to be around 1.3 people who are committed to voting YES by signing the declaration, that is damn close and your point of a higher turnout could be a game changer in these figures.

    I do take comfort in the fact that in my circle of family, friends, neighbours and work colleagues that the vast majority haven't signed the declaration though.


    How do they get get away with publishing that sort of absolute nonsense. Subsidised?? Dependency culture? It truly is staggering they still think that. I hope there is no currency union and those self righteous, ignorant feel the pain of the removal of their "subsidies" to us. It will cripple them.

    Did Alan write that?

  9. RMT Union have balloted members and they're backing Yes.

    Someone should get Dougie Alexander back on the blower after his "none of the Unions back Yes" line the other night. This is why most didnt ballot their members.

    He was careful to say none of the big unions, but forgot to add all the big unions are based in London (?) and they are UK wide.

    Good to here the RMT is onboard the 18-09-14 express to YES though.

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