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brant grebner

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Posts posted by brant grebner

  1. Eh, how is an abstention counted as a No?

    I've heard it a few times in here. Surely somebody's wrong.

    If Scotland's population is 5m, yes dosent need 2.5m and 1 to win. We just need one more yes vote than no votes.


    The abstention thing is part of the Edinburgh Agreement.

    It's not very well known as Better Together want to earn sponsorship money for people voting No, but it should be publicised more.

    Basically, if you want to vote No - you don't need to vote as it is automatically included in the No vote total.

    You only need to vote if you want to vote Yes.

    It's a scandal that Salmond agreed to this, but he got his choice of question so fair's fair.

    We should make every No voter aware of this.

  2. It'll end up being 100% no then... ;)

    Yeah, but that's why No voters don't need to go to vote.

    It's unfair but those are the terms of the Edinburgh Agreement.

    I'm surprised it's not being reported by the likes of Wings, but Better Together are being sponsored by Nestle, Heineken and Gazprom and they will get their money back when people actually turn up to vote No - which is fine.

    But if you're inclined to vote No and want to stick it to the big corporations then you don't need to actually cast a No vote as it's already included in the No vote total.

    We need to get this out to as many No voters as possible so they don't waste their time casting a vote which has already been counted - this way they can get on with shopping which will boost the economy and get things back on an even better track so that Britain recovers even sooner.

  3. BETTER Together leader Alistair Darling is due to talk to police about security arrangements for Scotland’s independence referendum.

    Mr Darling will seek assurances from Police Scotland in relation to campaigning events over the coming 18 days, with specific focus on the arrangements in place for polling day.

    No campaigners have expressed concerns over the potential for trouble as voters cast their ballots on September 18.

    It follows a turbulent week on the campaign trail which saw Labour MP Jim Murphy suspend his tour amid claims of organised intimidation by Yes supporters.

    Mr Murphy was pelted with eggs and said he has been threatened with violence during his 100 Towns in 100 Days tour for the union.

    He said disruption at his events was “organised and orchestrated by Yes Scotland, who are organising for mobs to turn up at each meeting to try and intimidate me, which won’t work, and to try and silence undecided voters”.

    Mr Murphy will resume his tour in Edinburgh on Tuesday.

    Alex Salmond condemned any intimidation from any side.

    The First Minister said: “Somebody was convicted, of course, of online threats against me. Somebody thought his car should be a political weapon. There was a woman, a Yes campaigner, assaulted on the streets of Glasgow.

    “I don’t hold press conferences accusing Mr Murphy of orchestrating these events, because I know that would be ridiculous to do so.”

    Mary Pitcaithly, the Chief Counting Officer overseeing the referendum, has discussed security with Police Scotland, given the prospect of a high turnout for the vote.

    Assistant Chief Constable Bernard Higgins said: “The referendum is a significant event which is expected to attract a higher than normal turnout.

    “Policing arrangements for the referendum are well in hand and will be appropriate and proportionate.”

    There's no direct quote from Darling in this "story" - rehash of Murphy's greeting with the egg factor being increased significantly from the single one placed and cracked on his back.

    meeja spinning a few non-events and scuffles in to being akin to the Ukraine or something.

    ing farcical and the only important thing is not to overreact to this pish.

    An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind

  4. what do you mean by not voting counts as a no ?

    will be a straight yes/no with DK's out of the loop - not like 79

    I was thinking though - there will be folk legitimately votign with postal votes this next few weeks, who will die, and their vote still count

    I have explained to many people who plan to vote no that not voting counts towards the No vote total and only actual votes for Yes count for the Yes vote total.

    This way, if it is rainy or windy on September 18th then they don't need to worry about finding a cagoul or a set of umbrellas to keep them dry on their way to the polling station as they don't need to vote as not voting is the same as a No vote.

    I on the other hand will have to get wet if I want to vote Yes, but that's all down to the way the rules and regulations were set out in the Edinburgh agreement and agreed to by Alex Salmond - he got to choose the question but David Cameron was very clear that this had to be the case.

    The people I have explained this to always query it, so I say to them "it's in the White Paper book" and they always reply "I know - I've read it and it's all just a wishlist".

    I've made 36 people who plan to vote no aware of this information in the last week, and even though it is unfair I think we should tell as many No voters this as possible.

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