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Padre Andrew

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Posts posted by Padre Andrew

  1. It depends which issues are important to them, so find that out first. It’s amazing how often the reason for someone’s uncertainty can be dealt with. Had this today in the street stall in Perth.

    1. Reason for being undecided: We can’t keep the pound.

    Response: yes, we can; it’s ours, and there’s no mechanism for taking it away from us. Even Alistair Darling admitted that.

    2. Reason for being undecided: I don’t like Alex Salmond.

    Response: it’s not a vote about Alex Salmond or any other individual. And in twenty years’ time when your grandkids asked you why you noted No and you say “I didn’t like that Alex Salmond” they’ll say “Alex who?”. This vote is about what kind of Scotland we want in the future.

    3. Reason for being undecided: the supermarket prices will go up.

    Response: if Asda or any other supermarket are stupid enough to hike their prices up (and they’re not that stupid), Aldi and Lidl will be waiting for your custom.

    The point is, many people have paper-thin reasons for not being in the YES camp. With just a few details and a mention of bringing democracy closer to home, getting rid of nuclear weapons etc., you’ve a great chance of persuading them. They just want to hear it from someone they know rather than a politician because they probably just don’t trust politicians.

  2. Every chance. It's difficult to see how they can recreate the hysteria of this week - they've been flogging their best moves several times now and it's difficult to see what they can pull out the bag next week.

    That said, about two weeks ago I doubted they could find another gear but was a bit taken aback by the bombardment over the last week or so. I expect we'll see another No surge Mon/Tues next week or some major incident that might give them an advantage.

    But there are signs Scotland isnt having any of it.

    There was always going to be a sh*tstorm in the last ten days if the polls were close. They’re badly rattled, and if Ricky Ross’ tweet is right, then those on the ground in high level ‘No’ politics know they’re sliding.

    So, expect more to come in the next few days. They’ll throw everything they’ve got at us. Just keep the faith!

  3. Heartfelt letters from ordinary people to Scotland

    These are hilarious.

    A few claim to cringe at some of the No campaign’s efforts to cajole / threaten us to stay in the union, but they are cut from the same whining love-bombing end of the cloth.

    “We love you, don’t go”.

    You’re “the five million counterweight for the 60 million. The pricking conscience” (Amy from Oxfordshire);

    “Don’t ‘start a new nation’” (yes, really: Matthew Lumby from Chester)

    Roll on next Thursday. :ok:

  4. We could have done without tit, though.

    It's a distraction from the issues.

    It is counter-productive. I know waverers who are more likely to vote No now because they came across some medley on YouTube of Murphy getting heckled.

    Heckling and debating are fine, but shouting someone down (including questioners) just looks like yobbishness, and that’s a vote loser.

    I guess it’s all in the editing, though: which bits gets to YouTube and which don’t.

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