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Heuch Moray

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Everything posted by Heuch Moray

  1. Michael Chapman, another one gone was mesmerizing to watch play anything from jazz, rock and the blues
  2. Okay, it was going to be Tom Waits singing out the night with Traubert's Blues (Waltzing Matilda) but you gotta have Burdon in with the Blues ....
  3. No excuses posting this for at least the third time...Dion the blues legend 😎
  4. Welcome back Bobster or is it me who's been absent... just as you stole my first choice 👍
  5. Good choice on the back of silverbear's Blues Cruise and keep posting your first bought album even if it was something embarrassing. If you can remember where you bought it, all's the better.
  6. 😄 I'm more confused your first album was bought as late as 2009 😏 Here's a track from my first one once I could afford it ... having been brought up with the sounds of Andy Williams and Dean Martin this one was one all mighty leap forward yet never appreciated by my friends who mocked my taste and said he'd never make it. Discovered he already did and back tracked to save up for all his previous albums...never did get them to sit and listen to the genius's lyrics 🙄 Desire Album - Dylan
  7. Are we still on House/Home/Garden theme or moving onto 'First Album Bought' suggested by bonzo on the back of silverbear's post 🙃
  8. Mark Lanegan was another loss yesterday. The Grim 'gruff' Reaper covered many forms of music with The Screaming Trees, Queens of the Stone Age + his solo career. Lucky to see him at the Garage in Glasgow although he was one helluva morose performer lacking any connection with the audience.
  9. It's a different recording from the one I must have posted years ago 😎
  10. 🙃 ....but...I'm on a break from homework 😛 Hope each one had at least a different video....
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