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Posts posted by jumbocummings

  1. Pretty depressing that YES is still behind after all that's happened in the last year tbh.

    So good stuff in Nicola's speech, focussing on need for a good majority before indyref2. Hard work plus time will do it if we stay focussed on policy issues. Basically lay off independence issue for a year or so depending on circumstances. A year or three is nothing.

    Euro exit, oil price increase, continued tory uncaring spending cuts, old people dying, Labour frack ups and who knows what else.

    But SNP can't be complacent. No triumphalism but keep working on issues. Land reform would be an area that could gain more attention for instance.

    So let independence lie for a while and I think she is right in thinking the YES numbers will rise.

    I can't really see them falling. But when to go? 55? 60? I think we will be lucky to see these numbers. Hope I'm wrong.

  2. No one is laughing at Scotland except in spite. Most global citizens have learned something in the last few weeks. Scotland has actually become stronger. Looking at things in the proper perspective of the long term, like what happens in history, is how this should be perceived. The Independence movement has grown stronger. It is mainstream. Anyone laughing, or thinking others are, hasn't got Scotland's interests at heartand and is also ignorant.

  3. I was right up for coming back after a Yes vote but feel less inclined now I have to admit. I'm a bit of a lurker on this board because my love of the national team has never left me even though I rarely get to see games these days. I was pleased with the positive vibes I was getting off this board before the referendum, it was a big antidote to the negativity elsewhere. Of course it turned out to be a little bit of conformation bias but enjoyable nonetheless. I would come on here to keep my head up and still do.

    I'm living in Mexico and one of the positive aspects is how there is the beginnings of an understanding of what Scotland, Britain, England, the UK, actually means. i.e. that it's not actually the same thing. The referendum got a surprising amount of coverage here from a media not much fixated on Europe. My colleagues all asked my opinion on the referendum and are all scratching their heads at the No vote. They are genuinely confused at how a country could vote No. So am I.

    I do expect to come back one day, as long as I feel comfortable about finding work, but the vote has put that on the back burner unfortunately.

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