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Grianaig Jacobite

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Posts posted by Grianaig Jacobite

  1. Very sad indeed but it could have been even worse if he had landed on top of someone, two people might have been killed. There needs to be some sort of mark of respect on Tuesday.

  2. The SFA wont give a toss about this petition. The only thing that will make them change their minds is when people stop going to the games and stop joining the supporters club.

    They know that that wont happen in sufficient numbers to hurt them financially especially if we qualify for the Euro's. So their attitude is get it right up you and keep giving us your money.

  3. I was going to join the silent minority and not sing FOS. But I've had a few days to get over my dissapointment and now believe we should sing it louder than ever. But, if I was a NO voting Scotland supporter I couldn't possible sing the anthem as I would be a hypocrite.

    Looking forward to the first rugby international at Murrayfiled tho' that should be a laugh!

  4. On reflection after a few days thinking about it I am gutted about the outcome, I just can't hide my disappointment.

    Where do we go from here as a 'country'? (more a colony in my opinion to be honest) Personally, on Friday morning, I lost a whole lot of hope, spirit and enthusiasm. Just when I had properly engaged in politics for the first time and seen this bright new light and opportunity for Scotland it disappeared. The idea of independence excited me greatly.

    Now I feel like the majority of Scotland has no desire to improve things for ourselves or just genuinely can't be bothered having to actually take an interest.

    Eyes shut, back in box, carry on without having a flipping scooby what's going on again politically. It's all rather uninspiring.

    Scotland is the only place in the world that will moan like f**k about everything but not have the bottle to do anything about it, between football and this I'd say we were the worlds biggest bottlers. We wait until our biggest moments to mess things up. Definitely not Scotland the Brave anyway which I believed whilst growing up. I thought before this actually came up when I was younger that presented with this chance (which I never thought we'd get) we the proud Scots would stand up and take things into our own hands. I thought it would be a landslide win for YES. I certainly never thought OVER HALF the country would VOTE AGAINST our nations independence anyway especially with our proud history.

    I know some people are genuinely happy with the way things were/are at the moment (I understand Farmers voting No etc even if I do think it's maybe short sighted from them I get that) or how things were/are personally for themselves but the VAST majority of instances for voting No I've saw have been from people who said we weren't capable or couldn't manage or were scared which is truly frightening to hear.

    Who's brainwashed people into thinking we aren't capable FFS? We have EVERYTHING we need to be a success, I didn't get the whole people being to scared to 'risk' it argument, personally I think staying in a country that has no real control over itself is MUCH more of a risk. Maybe that's just me though. I think we will see some big changes for the worse that we have no say on now.

    Shite times for this country. Possibly the shittest few days of my 22 year old life as silly and sad as that may sound. I'm also disgusted by the media, referendum or not it shows that the people at the top feed news to people that suits their own messed up agenda. The official BT campaign should also hang their heads in shame, scaring and threatening pensioners amongst some other things are truly the lowest of low. They had the establishment to back up their lies though conveniently.

    Looking around to other countries and finding myself extremely extremely extremely embarrassed right now, I mean there's Ireland just across the water, they faced genuine resistance in the way of them being able to "be a nation again", but they went and did it because they knew they could do it, they fought and died for it ironically enough. All we faced was the least convincing embarrassingly negative political campaign possibly ever seen which basically said to us "careful now lads"... and what did we do? We shat our wee pants. We couldn't even cross enough boxes with a pencil FFS what a pathetic excuse of a 'nation'. There's little tiny Malta with nowhere near what we have celebrating their Independence Day yesterday and partying away..

    Controversial but No voters still think we can be this proud wee quirky nation because we can still dress up in kilts and play the bagpipes, 90 minute Scots etc, but when it comes to demanding the right to have our own powers and make politicians accountable to us (what being a nation/country should be about, that's all it was at the end of the day, not this big scary thing people were making out) we don't want it. We'd rather let someone else do the hard work and thinking for us. It's not about Scottishness/Britishness it's about wanting to be able to influence any change to the way we live!

    The big saving grace is the turnout, atleast 85 percent made their voices heard. I am genuinely 100 percent proud of that. But of the outcome I'm anything but. But that's the democratic will of the people of Scotland right now and I accept that, I know I am in the MINORITY right now in saying all this.

    We've became a colony or a region of the UK, we had the chance to change that for the 1st time and to be a country but we chose not to. A colony by definition is a territory (Scotland) under the immediate political control of a state, distinct from the home territory of the sovereign. (England)

    England controls us. What THE GOOD PEOPLE OF ENGLAND want is what WE get. Westminster controls our parliament. Our parliament survives off of grants and 'devolved powers' from another one that controls it. THEY decide what WE can do. They're already going back on everything they've said, they've lied, but now we are POWERLESS to change it as we are such a small irrelevant part of the UK. We have a voice of 5 million in a Union of 65 million. I think it really hit home when reading comments on social media from English people saying that we belong to them, how can we argue that? We can't.

    I'm sorry for the novel and being an opinionated wee tadger but I love Scotland and feel like and know we can do so much better than this. I want Scotland to be a NORMAL country. YES reached 45% we are not toooo far off it, it's a large minority, it won't go off the agenda just like how the previous devolution ones never.

    We and I may never see another referendum in our lifetimes, maybe not for another 100 year but I'll live in hope and right up until the day I die I'll try to do my upmost best to work on helping Scotland towards Independence and in my opinion a fairer society.

    In the meantime I'll come together with everyone else after the NO, I'll hope the 55 percent stand up and be counted to make Westminster accountable to improve things for Scotland and our people and get on with my life.

    I don't have much faith of that happening or of any change here though I'm afraid to say. Well change for the better anyway..

    Which feels horrible after turning down such a huge huge opportunity. I hope nobody regrets their vote but I have a feeling that in 10 year time there'll be a higher proportion of Scots claiming they voted Yes than the percentage of Celtic fans claiming they were in Seville..

    Well said young man, best post on here.

  5. 95% of people who voted no didn't do it out of the love for the union but for what they thought was better for Scotland, it was too easy to vote yes without thinking about the ramifications like a lot of yes voters did.

    I have hardly heard a valid reason for anybody voting yes other than the idealistic view. I would have flipping loved to vote yes but the figures didn't add up. I am not saying there arnt valid reasons so feel free to tell me without making the usual empty statements that iv heard so far from most people.

    The amount of people who have voted based on their football allegiance is sickening. Rangers, Celtic and Scotland fans on the whole have voted very predictably. If it makes me a traitor for voting what's best for my family then so be it.

    The independence argument didn't add up one bit, from the inflated oil revenues, to the uncertain currency union which isn't as simple as using the pound and I would pray if you voted you would know this, to the very unlikely entry to NATO & the EU. The threat to walk away from the debt was embarrassing as well, I would be embarrassed to call myself Scottish if we done that. Jobs would have been lost as well 100%

    The anger should be aimed at those who gave the flimsiest proposals to the country because had the case been stronger it would undoubtedly have been a YES vote and trust me I would have been the first to do it. Instead the people who fucked this up are being portrayed as heroes. IT would 100% have been a yes vote had they done a better job of their policies instead of aiming for the brain dead, blind faith and young voters.

    Independence will come in time 100%

    Do not divide the TA like the rest of the country has already been divided.

    I know most will abuse me but at least its off my chest

    £uck me gently, I'm gobsmacked that there are people on here who believe all those Westminster scare stories. too wee, too poor and obviously too stupid.

  6. Is this a serious post? I know a lot of guys on our bus who voted no, so you are saying they should stop following the Scotland FOOTBALL team and should refrain from singing the anthem?

    Well they should at least show some humility and not sing "for we can still rise now and be a nation again" when they gave up the opportunity to do just that.

  7. I think the image if Scotland has improved enormously as a result of the vote. The door open for increased devolution of powers. This will give a lot of empowerment to the people. Politics has changed forever.

    I sincerely hope you can still say that in 5 years time. I think as a nation we have shrunk in the eyes of the world. The only country in the world not to vote for its own independence, how embarrasing is that!! As for more devolved powers, the English MPs are already saying no way. But I will agree with one thing though politics in Scotland has changed forever. Traditional Labour supporters now see Labour in their true colours.

  8. Haven't been on the board for quite some time, maybe 6 months or more, apart from the odd pop on around games.

    I voted No, in Fife.

    I only decided 2 weeks ago to vote No. The way I educated myself on the whole matter was influenced by Flure. A long time ago he pointed me in the direction of independent documents. I honestly can't remember exactly what it was, can can't be bothered looking.

    I listened to the arguments of both sides, then I went away and tried (didn't always succeed) to find out the truth, on my own. I have read many documents, I have watched many videos and clips of those that are considered experts, and I came to the conclusion that it was too much of a risk, for my kids.

    I dont trust Salmond, I equally don't trust Sturgeon, and I also appreciate the vote wasn't for them. However, they were the main spokes people for the Yes vote. I will add, I also don't trust Darling and what he had to say. But, I thought his argument was stronger.

    I had issues with the Yes campaign. I proved (to myself) that there were a lot of lies. Simple questions, weren't answered and were publicly and openly swerved, and I didn't like this. I wanted Salmond to point me in the right direction, SHOW me that it was possible, and he didn't.

    I wanted to vote Yes, and ended up voting No. I wanted independence. I still do. But only if it is possible, and IMO its not, at the moment.

    In terms of the OPs questions, no, I don't think Scotland is diminished. I think it is no different than it was last week, and my efforts will go into Devo Max now.

    Yes, there is obviously a danger that the promises from the English government won't be followed through, but, if this is the case, and I don't 'think' it will be, it opens up the whole issue again and who knows what will come of that.

    No, I think the Sottish government will get stronger, particularly after the mourning is complete.

    I suppose it does open the door for those that would like to punish us, for daring to hold a referendum, but if that does happen, again, Scotland will become even stronger and as above, who knows what will happen at that point. You can't have your cake and eat it.

    No, I don't feel our nation has been destroyed. But I also don't think it has been strengthened. Although contrary to that, maybe, it will speed up the process of more devo. Maybe.

    I suspect I will get a bit of hassle here, but you would be mistaking me for someone who gives a shit what you think, if you feel it necessary.

    YES I got that message when you said you voted NO.

  9. Can't do it, couldn't possible sing Flower of Scotland especially at the England game. They will howl with laughter if we sing that. They are going to howl with laughter anyway.

    I'm all for a respectful silence when the band strikes up. I would have a big lump in my throat anyway.

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