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Posts posted by UPROAR

  1. I don't remember Cameron saying anything about full autonomy, remind me? I don't remember Brown saying it either granted, but I pay little attention to that lovely cuddly bunny.

    man, if you're trying to say that the Better Together campaign with the clear mandate and authority of the Prime Minister did not frequently and deliberately offer/suggest/propose/imply/infer and in every other way possible tell us we would have federalism / devolution / home rule then........ you need to evaluate your concept of reality.

    Did they say it in a way that would legally bind them? no - but every fecker on the planet knows what they said and what it meant and they are now playing games to say they didn't.


    there will be much more serious political consequences......

  2. Why is the more open terracing with sporadic barriers safe enough for the Bundesliga? As long as the capacity is limited to a safe amount then I can't see why we can't use it here. It is overcrowding that makes terracing unsafe, not the terracing itself.

    I've not been to that many bundesliga stadiums but the ones I have been to have a little frame for each person and each has a flip down seat - what you're describing sounds like old fashioned terracing....

    who's got that ?

  3. I dont get this in a bigger sense...

    Starkey is unhinged, but he's a trouble maker, he's found that insulting Scotland is good for his PR...... (on a point of correctness he implied the Bavarian's are Nazis and that the national dress of Germany is Lederhosen.... neither of these things are remotely true).

    However there are a seemingly endless line of unionist politicians, bloggers, journos and other major and minor actors in the political sphere who seem incapable of any reason or judgement when it comes to the SNP. All they seem to be able to do is hurl insults, abuse and shout 'Nazi' - what is wrong with them, it makes them look like looneys - Ian Smart and Starkey are not alone, there is an army of them online and even Nick Robinson recently tried implying there is something racist about wanting to run your own economy.

    Its clearly a mental thing to say, what is wrong with them ? I just dont get it - doesnt it just damage their case and make them look desperate ? Do they really believe it ?

  4. there are many lies at the heart of this discussion...

    We all agree we can't go on increasing our debt, it must be reduced. However we have a debt whether we make our own decisions or not - deal with it. We dont get 'let off' our share of the debt as part of the UK and it doesn't magically get any bigger or smaller if you let Scotland manage its economy.

    There is no significantly greater or smaller black hole regardless of who makes decisions.

    There are however reasons why we must make these decisions in Scotland

    1. we will make better decisions for our own economy rather than live with the byproducts of decisions largely for the city & south east

    2. austerity is a failed economic policy and we can only grow our way out of debt. Growth requires investment. Investment requires us to run a deficit for long enough to make that investment.

    3. our GDP per person is no better or worse than the UK if you exclude oil - oil will become expensive again and will be a major asset. The oil & gas industry said yesterday there are 26Bn barrels left and 43Bn extracted from known sites. The oil industry is on the verge of a £40Bn decommissioning boom as old wells run to the end of their life.

    4. relocating the 10% (crude approx) of jobs from London to run our own economy will provide a major boost to our economy. The loss of those jobs is one of Londons major reasons for screaming about how poor we are

    5. Its all p!sh - just ignore them.

    the BBC is not running uninteresting OBR forecasts about oil (which they have got wrong 100% of the time) immediately after stories about FFA by accident......

  5. I think much is underestimated by particularly the professional middle classes in Scotland about what FFA would mean in practice... right now all the thousands of jobs to support tax collection, civil service, infra-structure, government departments etc are in London. They would be in Scotland. It would have a massive positive impact on our economy not only because of the transfer of jobs themselves but the people who cut their hair, sell them lattes etc....

  6. Ken Macintosh is the only credible candidate. If they don't pick him this time then Labour are finished in Scotland, IMO.

    you sure ? Im sure I read somewhere he was a 'Blairite'... I dont know much about the labour party but that would put him along there with Murph - not a credible position any more.

    Kez doesnt have the gravitas and she doesnt have the depth Nicola has.. I still think anyone not advocating Scottish policies independently of London is doomed to an electoral groundhog day.....

  7. without doubt worst keeper Ive seen at Killie in 25 years.... thought my son was winding me up when he told me. Even by his own poor standards his end of season form has been tragic. Cammy Bell is a much better option....... actually my 12 year old daughter would be a better option

  8. He could be pressured into resigning. This would give the Tories a problem because they don;t have another MP from Scotland to make Scottish Secretary. Chances are the would appoint an unelected peer to do the job.

    This would be used by those who would wish to see the role abolished or as evidence of how Westminster does not reflect Scottish realities.

    would be a much more satisfactory outcome... Carmichael can hang around like an embarrassing kiddy fiddling uncle for as long as he wants. He already stated knowing about this issue is complicity and he would have resigned as secretary of state...

    If he knew he has to go...

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