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Posts posted by tartantaff

  1. "World Football Index Podcast" - Look for episodes named "WFI tactics" and podcasts featuring Stevie Grieve. He's a young Scottish coach who speaks a lot of sense about football and tactics etc.

    For TV programs like Game of Thrones and Walking Dead look for "Bald Move". Two American guys with a good sense of humour talking about TV and Movies.

    "The SV Podcast" is a bit more in depth talking about tactics but interesting enough.




  2. When me and my pals were younger, we used to wander around on bonfire night sabotaging other peoples bonfires.

    One of my favourite tricks was to secrectly slip a tin of lentil soup in the fire and wander off. A short time later, the tin would explode and molten veg would spray the people round the fire. We also used to chuck in cans of deoderant which was a bit more spectacular.

    Not the cleverest move but kids are pretty stupid and I was no exception.

    We also used to see who could jump over the biggest section of the bonfire while wearing shell suits!!

  3. I watched a report on sky news and they actually had Ed Milliband confirming (with no sense of irony) that Salmond wouldn't be writing Labour's budget. I didn't realise exactly how different the English sense of humour was to the Scottish one until this moment.

    Haha thats brilliant. The people down south that I work with seriously have a blind spot for how inept these guys are. I feel like an alien sometimes!

  4. This bit in the article baffles me.

    "The FA say they proposed a Team GB in Brazil to promote youth development and offer younger players a chance of competing at a major international tournament."

    This is the FA that regularly refuses to send a full strength U21 to tournaments for fear of upsetting the top clubs in England.

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