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Posts posted by daddybuc16

  1. Congratulations pal.

    Personally it was a mixed year. Had 2 of the best stag do's ever. Got married, done the kiltwalk, but lost ma gran and the bairns have really tried ma patience.

    Football wise, raith got a new manager this year, who i tore in to after a friendly defeat at east fife. Since then, he has continued to prove me wrong which ia good for us. Scotland gave us all the usual kick in the haw maws. And i actually came close to giving up on it all, but im signing back up. The chelsea circus has bern funny as well.

  2. look guys, it will be the usual story with Scotland. We live for the qualifying campaign, we know we are unlikey to get the finals but we gotta enjoy the games as they come and get stuck in.. drink some beer etc..

    Extra spice in this one due to the Engerlish being in there, but otherwise it's just another seemingly impossible group to get out of.

    Scotland sometimes surprise you DURING the group but the end result is always the same - no finals. (2006-07 we were shocked how good we got in a group that should have been impossible)

    we're shyte lets just face it but the players should be giving it 100% determination on the pitch as there is fk all to lose.

    I'll be in the pub in September shouting on the boys and cursing the ref as usual. What more can you ask from you're football team?

    happy new year everyone..

    I hope tae you're no doing the team talk for these games :lol:

  3. I met Shakey on a flight to New York once and I asked him if he still makes records. Said he still did but doesn't need to as that Xmas song rakes him in £50,000+ a year in royalties

    Mental the amount the likes of him, slade etc will be on at this time of year for 1 song, they must live christmas.

    I wouldn't actually be surprised if that 1 song rakes in more in a month than any of their other singles being downloaded from itunes/spotify etc over the course of a year.

  4. Those will put people's petrol bills up a bit, but at least there's at been some response from the government.

    40 odd mile diversion according to radio. Was up to 50 on one radio station :lol: at least they have done something about it, tried to separate what is, a shitload of traffic for one road. Maybe a bit busier around the bridges especially at rush hour, but maybe the best they could come up with. Extra trains on as well, so that may ease the pressure.

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